托福独立写作若出现两个需要比较的情况,怎么写?例如,tpo1中的独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?At universities and colleges,sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 08:48:36
托福独立写作若出现两个需要比较的情况,怎么写?例如,tpo1中的独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?At universities and colleges,sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libr

托福独立写作若出现两个需要比较的情况,怎么写?例如,tpo1中的独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?At universities and colleges,sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libr
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
At universities and colleges,sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
sports and social activities是写作重点,这个我知道.但是classes and libraries要不要在文章中提及呢?要的话,怎样与sports and social activities结合(格式?)才行呢?

托福独立写作若出现两个需要比较的情况,怎么写?例如,tpo1中的独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?At universities and colleges,sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libr
一般采用利弊分析的写作方法 即列出pros&cons
一种是一边倒,就是利远远大于弊(或是弊远远大于利), 你可以写出三种sports and social activities的优点
第二种是让步写法,更符合critical thinking,国外人是很重视这点的.在这种写法中你可以写出两个平等重视的优点,然后再写出一个缺点或是重视classes and libraries 的优点.如能在让步的基础上加以反驳,比如第三个point开头用Adimittedly这样的语气较轻的词,再对提出的缺点强行弱化、转换角度讨论或提出解决方案则更佳,即先承认不利之处,再予以反驳.
如满意 请采纳~

托福独立写作若出现两个需要比较的情况,怎么写?例如,tpo1中的独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?At universities and colleges,sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libr 新托福独立写作至今有没有出现阅读支持听力的情况? 关于托福独立写作的三个理由我可不可以写两个正面,一个反面的,然后最后一段比较总结,因为有时候确实想不出太多理由. 托福独立写作字数? 托福的独立写作究竟打多少字比较好啊?好纠结,本来自己打大概300+可是好多人说字越多越好. 求托福独立写作模板 如何提升托福 独立写作 托福独立写作多少字? 求托福写作模版独立写作 托福独立写作的例子与细节托福独立写作好像需要很多的例子?但是我发现下面的这篇范文并没有很多的所谓例子.请问这是怎么回事? 托福的口语和写作怎么快速提高?这两个怎么准备,比较迷茫. 托福写作备考:怎么练习托福独立写作? 托福写作备考:怎么练习托福独立写作? 求托福范文如题 求托福的独立写作范文集锦 越多越好 最好有分析 托福独立写作有模板吗,文中需要举例子吗,是例子越多越好吗 托福的独立写作和综合写作两部分,各占多少分. 求托福TPO1-24的独立写作和综合写作部分,邮箱:tflslover@163.com,谢谢~! 【托福】求独立写作原因TPO14的独立写作,我的观点是出国旅游比在自己国家旅游又更大的好处.谁能帮我想3个原因来支持我自己的观点,需要三个方面,