all alone 与 all the way, all the time的区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 16:42:27
all alone 与 all the way, all the time的区别

all alone 与 all the way, all the time的区别
all alone 与 all the way, all the time的区别

all alone 与 all the way, all the time的区别
all 强调语
all alone:孤单一人.比 alone 更强调那种寂寞、彷徨的心情
all alone in the dark 完全处于黑暗之中
all the way:自始至终.口语
I'm with you all the way 我永远支持你
all the time:时时刻刻
I'm thinking of you all the time 你的影子在我的脑海中挥之不去

all alone 独立地 adv
all the way 自始自终 一路上 adv
all the time 始终 adv