68,9 The population of this city has increased_______ A by 5 percent B to 5 percentC to 5 times D by 5 percents

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 06:28:32
68,9 The population of this city has increased_______ A by 5 percent B to 5 percentC to 5 times D by 5 percents

68,9 The population of this city has increased_______ A by 5 percent B to 5 percentC to 5 times D by 5 percents
68,9 The population of this city has increased_______ A by 5 percent B to 5 percent
C to 5 times D by 5 percents

68,9 The population of this city has increased_______ A by 5 percent B to 5 percentC to 5 times D by 5 percents
A.by 5 percent
increase by + 百分比/倍数,"增加了..."
increase to + 数字."增加到..."
My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan.
