英语几个语法问题1.prove sb adj 有没有这个说法 例如 prove sam wrong 证明Sam是错误的2.this kind of pen writes very smoothly.之前我看见过这个句子,我填了is written ,我想笔不能自己写啊,但为什么答案是writ

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 03:00:52
英语几个语法问题1.prove sb adj 有没有这个说法 例如 prove sam wrong 证明Sam是错误的2.this kind of pen writes very smoothly.之前我看见过这个句子,我填了is written ,我想笔不能自己写啊,但为什么答案是writ

英语几个语法问题1.prove sb adj 有没有这个说法 例如 prove sam wrong 证明Sam是错误的2.this kind of pen writes very smoothly.之前我看见过这个句子,我填了is written ,我想笔不能自己写啊,但为什么答案是writ
1.prove sb adj 有没有这个说法 例如 prove sam wrong 证明Sam是错误的
2.this kind of pen writes very smoothly.之前我看见过这个句子,我填了is written ,我想笔不能自己写啊,但为什么答案是writes呢 类似的还有 this kind of chair feels more comfortable.
3.he's often heard retelling english texts in his room.我看了参考答案是填retelling,但我填的是to retell 我想听他复述文章,有个often,所以就这样填.

英语几个语法问题1.prove sb adj 有没有这个说法 例如 prove sam wrong 证明Sam是错误的2.this kind of pen writes very smoothly.之前我看见过这个句子,我填了is written ,我想笔不能自己写啊,但为什么答案是writ
例:They proved themselves wise and brave.他们证实自己机智、勇敢.
Facts have proved these worries groundless.事实证明,这些忧虑是没有理由
2.此处用作的是不及物动词 vi.写;写字 注意:不及物动词不能用被动语态
例:This pen writes well.
be heard之后需要的是名词形式,而retell(复述)是动词,则理应把动词变成动名词的形式retelling(动名词),意思为“在房间里他经常被听到在复述文章”

1. sb is proved to be +adj.
2. 不能填 is written,英语中规定的有几个特殊的词,用主动的形式表被动的意义。
3. 把这个句子转换成主动语太就好理解了。hear/see/find sb do/doing sth. 没有后面接to do 的。变被动语态后,do/doing sth不变,所以填retelling.

1.有prove +n+adj 这种复合宾语结构 具体可参考http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=150190361 介绍很详细 可以帮你彻底掌握prove的用法与搭配。
2.你说的这种情况是英语的一种语法现象 即主动表被动。主动表被动的几种情形:
(1)某些连系动词主动表被动:look, sound, smell,...


1.有prove +n+adj 这种复合宾语结构 具体可参考http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=150190361 介绍很详细 可以帮你彻底掌握prove的用法与搭配。
2.你说的这种情况是英语的一种语法现象 即主动表被动。主动表被动的几种情形:
(1)某些连系动词主动表被动:look, sound, smell, taste, prove, feel
This kind of cloth feels soft.
That dog looks dangerous.
My advice proved to be wrong.
(2) 当open, close, shut, lock, move等用做不及物动词且表示主语的某种属性时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。他们通常与can’t, won’t等连用。
The door won’t shut.
Suddenly the door opened. (不强调谁开了门)
(3)当read, write, wash, sell, clean, cook, burn, draw, cut, wear等词与well, easily, quickly 等副词连用时,常用主动表被动。
The cloth washes well.
The poem reads smoothly.
The book sells well.
This cheese doesn’t cut easily. It’s too soft.
This shirt will wear very long.
The floor doesn’t clean easily.
This kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind.
This book sells well. So far, 200 books have been sold out.
The sentence was read clearly by her.
(4)某些表示开始和结束的动作(begin, start, finish, end, etc.),当主语是事物且不强调动作的执行者时,可用主动表被动。
When does the concert begin ?
The play ended at ten o’clock.
(1)不定式to blame, to let用做表语时,通常用主动表被动。
Who is to blame?(该怪谁呢?)
The house is to let. (此屋出租。)
(2)在“be +形容词+to do”结构中的不定式通常……
The question is difficult to answer.
Do you think the water is safe to drink?
(3) 不定式用于某些动词的(have, have got, get, want, need)宾语后做定语时:
I have some letters to write.
I want something to drink.
I have something to type.(我自己打)
I have something to be typed. (请别人打)
I have a letter to post. (自己寄)
I have a letter to be posted. (请别人寄)
(4)be worth doing; need / want / require doing (to be done)结构中
In all, the book is worth reading.
This might be worth thinking about.
The plants want watering / to be watered every day.
The wall wants repairing / to be repaired
3.此句之所以要用hearing 主要是根据题意“别人常常听到他正在自己的房间里复述课文” 这而别人听到的那一刻他正在复述课文 指的是别人听到的那一刻正在发生的动作 故用现在进行时 而often这个度副词只表示这个动作进行的次数很多 很频繁 并无其他含义 至于你选to retell 而动词不定式的一般式表示的动作还未发生 所以他复述课文就不会被别人听到 故不符合题意
建议你找一本讲解比较详细的语法书查询一下动词的时态和非谓语动词的用法 动词是英语的灵魂 很重要 所以建议你全面的学习一下


英语几个语法问题1.prove sb adj 有没有这个说法 例如 prove sam wrong 证明Sam是错误的2.this kind of pen writes very smoothly.之前我看见过这个句子,我填了is written ,我想笔不能自己写啊,但为什么答案是writ 英语翻译1.prove sb./sth.2.prove sth.to sb.3.prove that…4.agree with+ sb./one's idear/what sb.said5.agree to do sth.6.report sth.7.a report fo rsth.8.the result… 几个语法问题1.exciting一般句型格式2.be ready to do sth for sb的意思3.make sb sth意思4.need to sth用法和意思5.do sth to sb意思6.use sb doing sth意思7.为某人照相所有写法前面问题中举行若有错误请帮忙指 英语所有语法问题 懂英语的帮忙用语法造几个句子语法有:say to sb speak to sbtalk sth to sbtalk sb about sthtell/ask sb (not) to do sth make sb do sthIt is adj for sb to do sth.let sb do sthplay with sb/sthwait for sbsend sb sth/send sth to sbdress one 怎么prove这个问题 英语的prove 英语翻译1.prove sb/sth(to be)+n/adj 2.prove(to be)+n/adj 3.appear(to be)+adj/n 4.appear to do 5.get/become charged 6.get a cellphone charged 7.charge(sb)some money for sth 8.sense of smell/touch/humour 9.It is possible to do 10.have a/the/no righ 用下面几个英语造句1.except for2.turn brown3.a set amount of4.throughout5.make sb do6.have sb do7.get sb to do8.‘花费'意思的单词每个单词造一句简单点没关系 初二英语几个重点语法 英语改错(一句话)觉得这句话挺奇怪的说,可能是语法有问题:the eassy is well written and well researched,and it includes many useful information from experts to prove the topic. prove的用法问题我们老师说prove的主语是人的时候是及物动词:sb prove that+句子主语是物的时候是不及物动词:sth prove sb to be+adj.就告诉了我们这两种用法但书上有很多句子其中一句:the study h 英语问题关于present究竟是buy sb sth for a present还是buy sb sth as a present 一个英语的问题.就是allow to do .allow doing .allow sb to do sth.sb been allowed to do sth这几个的解析 关于初中英语的几个语法问题 几个英语时态和语法问题always可以在过去时态中使用吗?带can和have的反意疑问句,翻译时用do反,还是用本身词反but+句子,或then+句子是英语5大句型的那种sb used to be+句子,这是主系表,还是其它的 英语句子语法问题如下: 英语几个词组的意思和语法,a little bit,not a little ,not a bit it did not prove to be a problem为什么用did?不用was怎么区分?it did not prove to be a problem 这不算什么问题