英语翻译中英互译1.这台电脑多少钱?2.你有几本故事书?3.你的作文中有很多拼写错误.4.Enough is as good as a feast.5.Pam called to say she is going to be a few minutes late.6.The plants need to be watered every few days.7.I

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 21:26:43
英语翻译中英互译1.这台电脑多少钱?2.你有几本故事书?3.你的作文中有很多拼写错误.4.Enough is as good as a feast.5.Pam called to say she is going to be a few minutes late.6.The plants need to be watered every few days.7.I

英语翻译中英互译1.这台电脑多少钱?2.你有几本故事书?3.你的作文中有很多拼写错误.4.Enough is as good as a feast.5.Pam called to say she is going to be a few minutes late.6.The plants need to be watered every few days.7.I
4.Enough is as good as a feast.
5.Pam called to say she is going to be a few minutes late.
6.The plants need to be watered every few days.
7.I hope you will pay attention to this problem.
8.Please pay attention to the difference between the two words.
9.He told us the accident in detail.
10.I like the style of his writing but I don't like the content.

英语翻译中英互译1.这台电脑多少钱?2.你有几本故事书?3.你的作文中有很多拼写错误.4.Enough is as good as a feast.5.Pam called to say she is going to be a few minutes late.6.The plants need to be watered every few days.7.I
1. How much your computer cost?
2. How many story books do you have?
3. There are many mistakes in your spelling of your composition.

英文翻译谢.你的这台电脑想卖多少钱? 这台电脑多少钱?用英语怎么说(用三种方法说) 帮我算一下这台电脑加起来多少钱? 帮我算一下这台电脑加起来多少钱 英语翻译中英互译1.这台电脑多少钱?2.你有几本故事书?3.你的作文中有很多拼写错误.4.Enough is as good as a feast.5.Pam called to say she is going to be a few minutes late.6.The plants need to be watered every few days.7.I 英语翻译1.这些汉堡多少钱2.汤姆经常从上海买衣服3.我们向任何人都销售打折的衣服4.马龙想帮助那位老人5.我们买得起这台电脑吗6.请看一看我们的电脑7.我需要一些黑色的袜子8.你喜欢价格 妈妈买一台电脑付给营业员阿姨4000元,找回八十元,这台电脑多少钱?(用方程解答) 英语翻译:修理这台电脑花费了五天时间.(take) 十台电脑与八台主机7000元,2台电脑5台主机4120元,一台电脑一台主机多少钱? 妈妈给小红买了一台电脑,原价是8000元,现在打八五折出售,妈妈买了这台电脑用了多少钱? 小明的爸爸买了一台电脑,打九折后,比原价便宜420元.这台电脑原价是多少钱? 1.电脑公司新购进电脑50台,今天卖出这批电脑的5分之2,比昨天多卖了4分之1,昨天卖了多1.电脑公司新购进电脑50台,今天卖出这批电脑的5分之2,比昨天多卖了4分之1,昨天卖了多少台?2.工程队修一 一台电脑原价4800元,现在降低了4分之1.现在这台电脑的价格是多少? 一台电脑现在每台的售价6500元,比原来降低了十四分之一.原来每台多少钱? 甲乙丙合买了一台电脑甲付出的钱是俩人的1/2,乙付出的是俩人的1/3,丙付出了3000,这台电脑共多少元.是甲乙各多少钱 百分数数学练习题1.某电脑商场进了150台电脑,3天后分别销售了30台.24台和45台,这3天售出的电脑分别占这批电脑台数的百分之几? 2.某水库原蓄水1.4亿m,今年夏天连续下了几场大雨后,水库的蓄 一台电脑是一台电视价格的五倍,一台电脑比一台电视贵2960元,一台电脑和一台电视各多少钱2960/4是电视机的价格,为什么 他梦想者拥有一台电脑 英语翻译