28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just look28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just looking around.I’ll let you know if I want anything.A.Could you help me?B.What will you buy?C.Can I help you?D.Do you like to look around?29.–Could you run over t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 22:16:51
28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just look28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just looking around.I’ll let you know if I want anything.A.Could you help me?B.What will you buy?C.Can I help you?D.Do you like to look around?29.–Could you run over t

28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just look28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just looking around.I’ll let you know if I want anything.A.Could you help me?B.What will you buy?C.Can I help you?D.Do you like to look around?29.–Could you run over t
28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just look
-No,thanks,I’m just looking around.I’ll let you know if I want anything.
A.Could you help me?
B.What will you buy?
C.Can I help you?
D.Do you like to look around?
29.–Could you run over to the store right away?We need a few things.
A.Yes,I could.I want to play football.
B.For me.Running is not a problem.I’dlike to do exercises.
C.Yes,store a few things away is quitenecessary,right?
D.All right,what do you want me to get?
30..–When wouldyou like to schedule the appointment?
A.I like to schedule the appointment.
B.How about 9:00 tomorrow?
C.I’m afraid not.
D.Wonderful!See you then.

28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just look28.-_____________.-No,thanks,I’m just looking around.I’ll let you know if I want anything.A.Could you help me?B.What will you buy?C.Can I help you?D.Do you like to look around?29.–Could you run over t

已知m,n为自然数,且m-n=7则m=________n=_____________ 定义新运算 M×N=(M+N)÷2,(2008×2010)×2009=_____________. 分式1/m+n,1/m²-n²,1/m-n的最简公分母是_____________. 微积分无穷小问题,求n=_____________最后一步我不是很理解 若m、n互为相反数,则lm-5+nl=_____________ ②一条多肽链(n个氨基酸分子形成)中含有的肽键数 = _____________. 计算:(-6a^nb)^2·(3a^n-1b)=_________ -(-2ab^3)^2=_____________[-(-1/2)^2]^2=_____________ 求解题过程在等比数列{an}中,若sm=sn(m≠n),则sm+n=_____________在等比数列{an}中,若sm=sn(m≠n),则sm+n=_____________ x的m+n · x的m-n=x的10次方,则m=_____________ 杨修说:“_____________.” 数列{an},an=9n(n+1)/2^n对于一切正整数n,有an≤m,则m范围是_____________. 已知m,n属于R,且m+2n=2,则m*2^m+n*2^(2n+1)的最小值是_____________ 一道数学题的意义~1.a的n次方(a∈Q,n∈N)的意义:____________2.(-a)的2n次方(n∈N)=_____________;(-a)的2n+1次方(n∈N)=_____________.谢拉~ 交错级数求和(n=1到∞)∑(-1)^(n-1)/4^n的和S=_____________这道题求和该怎么求啊? 上下两句组成的成语严于律己_____________智者千虑_____________人非圣贤_____________前事不忘_____________千里之行_____________ 与 数列 定义一种运算*对于任意非零自然数n满足以下运算性质:①1*1=1②(n+1)*1=3(n*1)则n*1关于n的代数式为:n*1=_____________. 计算机执行下面的语句时,语句s的执行次数为_____________.for(i=l;i=i;j--) s; 【答案】(n+3)(n-2)/2 用修辞手法春天的花是_____________,_____________,_____________.