请求英文高手 求答案1、Our children _____ more TV now. A.watching B.is watch C.are watching D.to watch 2、_____ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent. A.He left the school B.He has left school C.He had left school

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 23:50:47
请求英文高手 求答案1、Our children _____ more TV now. A.watching B.is watch C.are watching D.to watch  2、_____ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent. A.He left the school B.He has left school C.He had left school

请求英文高手 求答案1、Our children _____ more TV now. A.watching B.is watch C.are watching D.to watch 2、_____ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent. A.He left the school B.He has left school C.He had left school
请求英文高手 求答案
1、Our children _____ more TV now.
B.is watch
C.are watching
D.to watch

2、_____ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent.
A.He left the school
B.He has left school
C.He had left school
D.He left school

3、The car _____ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about ten o’clock tonight.
A.would go
C.will be going

4、It _____ every day so far this month.
A.is raining
D.has rained

5、My pictures _____ until next week.
A.won’t develop
B.aren’t developing
C.don’t develop
D.won’t be developed

6、They _____ so that we wouldn’t recognize them.
C.were disguising
D.were disguised

7、A handful of water _____ billions of atoms.
A.is made up ofmakes up
B.makes up
C.are made up of
D.are made up

8、The number of the students in the class _____ limited to thirty.

9、The news today _____ pretty good.

10、I still remember the winter _____ we went to Harbin to see the ice-lamp.

11、As we were driving along we saw a good restaurant, so we stopped _____ dinner.
B.to have
C.having been
D.to be had

12、— What’s the matter with you? — _____
A.No, I don’t know.
B.I feel rather unwell.
C.Sure. What is it?
D.That’s it.

13、— John, you’ve never been to the Great Wall since you came to China, I’m afraid. — ______
A.No, I’ve just been there with Mary.
B.Yes, never. How about you?
C.No, but how I wish to!
D.Yes, but I’d like to as soon as possible.

14、— Would you hold this for a moment? — ______
A.With pleasure.
B.You’re welcome.
C.For a pleasure.
D.It doesn’t matter.

15、—Let me introduce myself. I’m Albert. —______.
A.What a pleasure
B.It’s my pleasure
C.Pleased to meet you
D.Hope to meet again

16、—Mary, can I use your computer now? — _____. It doesn’t work.
A.That’s all right
B.I’m afraid not
C.You’re welcome
D.It doesn’t matter

17、—Why don’t we go get coffee somewhere? —_______
A.Good idea. Let’s go to the coffee shop on the corner.
B.No, I don’t like coffee.
C.Sorry, you can’t.
D.Yes, help yourself.

18、—I’m sorry I’m late. I got caught in traffic. —_____
A.No, I don’t care.
B.Yes, you’re late.
C.Oh, that’s OK. I’ve only been here for a little while.
D.I’m sorry to hear that.

19、—Glad to see you again. How was your trip? —_______
A.Yes, it’s good.
B.Great. The scenery was spectacular.
C.I have no idea.
D.No, I don’t like it.

20、—Hello. This is Pat Wilson here. May I have a word with Grace? —______
A.Hang on a moment, please.
B.No, you can’t.
C.Surely you can.
D.With pleasure.

请求英文高手 求答案1、Our children _____ more TV now. A.watching B.is watch C.are watching D.to watch 2、_____ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent. A.He left the school B.He has left school C.He had left school

1-5 DADDD 6-10 BACAD 11-15 BBCAC 16-20 BACBA