
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:46:34


、 限制性定语从句的常见引导词 1. 以关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as引导.如: Here is a letter from Mr. Li who wants a job in Xi'an. 这里有李先生的来信,他想在西安找份工作. 2. 以关系副词where, when, why, how引导.如: This is the house where I once lived two years ago.这是我两年前曾住过的房子. 二、 非限制性定语从句的常见引导词 1. 以关系代词which,as引导.如: Father came back on May 12, which was my birthday. 父亲是五月十二日回来的,这一天是我的生日. _______ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. 大家都知道,月球每月绕地球转一圈.(NMET 2001,34 ) A. It B. As C. That D. What (答案:B ) as和which都可用来引导非限制性定语从句,有时可以互换.如: He failed in the experiment, as (which) was natural. 很自然,他在实验中失败了. 但他们还是有区别的,as作为关系代词引导限制性定语从句: ①一般用于such+ n.+ as或the same+ n.+ as或(as)... as结构;as在定语从句中可作主语、宾语和表语.如: Such a book as you described should not be published at all. 像你描述的那样的书不应该出版. This is the same watch as I bought last week. 这块手表和我上周买的那块相似. ②as作为关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语或宾语,用来说明整个主句的意思,从句的位置可放在主句之前也可放在主句之后,还可夹在主句之间.如: As is known to all, the earth travels round the sun.大家都知道地球围绕太阳转. This elephant, as anybody can see, is like a snake.任何人都能看出这头大象像蛇. ③关系代词which也可指代整个主句,但是引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句后面.如: He made great progress this term and won the first prize in the exam, which made us surprised. 他这学期取得了很大进步,并且在这次考试中获得一等奖,这使我们吃惊. ④当定语从句位于主句之后时,如关系代词作主语,而且定语从句用的是主谓结构或主谓宾加宾补结构,此时多用which.如: He cheated in the exam, which made his teacher very angry. 他在考试中作弊,这使他的老师很生气. 2.名词(代词)+of which (whom) 引导.如: 这种结构在定语从句中作定语,相似于“whose+名词”. She lives in the room , the door of which (whose door) faces south. 她住在那个窗户朝南的房间里. 3.不定代词、数词或形容词最高级+of which (whom)引导. 这种结构通常在从句中作主语,表示整体中的一部分.其中常用的不定代词有:all, none, both, neither, some, any, most等;数词既可用基数词和序数词,也可用分数和百分数词.如: There are 20 girl students here, none of whom likes physics.这里有20个女学生,他们当中没有人喜欢物理. He lent me some books, four of which were very interesting. 他借给我一些书,其中四本非常有趣.

定语从句 定从定从 名代先行 缺主宾 找关代 主宾全 whenwherewhy 定语从句修饰名词或代词。如果定语从句中缺少主语或宾语,就用关系代词类似which that来引导。如果主语和宾语都有的话,就用后面那三个w来引导 例一 I have a book which has many pictures(从句中没有主语,所以用which引导) 例二 I want to go to the par...


定语从句 定从定从 名代先行 缺主宾 找关代 主宾全 whenwherewhy 定语从句修饰名词或代词。如果定语从句中缺少主语或宾语,就用关系代词类似which that来引导。如果主语和宾语都有的话,就用后面那三个w来引导 例一 I have a book which has many pictures(从句中没有主语,所以用which引导) 例二 I want to go to the park where we can have a picnic(从句时一个完整句子,所以用where引导)主语从句 很简单,用that引导,that不可以省略。 例句That Mulan is a girl surprised all her friends.宾语从句 用一个句子代替宾语的位置 例句 I like eating bananas. 在这里,eating bananas是宾语(不好意思,这个我也不太好说)同位语从句 一般用新闻啊,报道啊,消息啊这一类的后面,补充说明内容的,一般用that引导 例句 News came that our team won the game. (our team won the game 是同位语从句,说出了news的内容)
