请写清选择的思路及理由,急,我的问题是:39、为什么选D不选A; 43、为什么选A不选D; 46、为什么选A不选B.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:29:25
请写清选择的思路及理由,急,我的问题是:39、为什么选D不选A;                     43、为什么选A不选D;                     46、为什么选A不选B.

请写清选择的思路及理由,急,我的问题是:39、为什么选D不选A; 43、为什么选A不选D; 46、为什么选A不选B.


请写清选择的思路及理由,急,我的问题是:39、为什么选D不选A; 43、为什么选A不选D; 46、为什么选A不选B.
On 26th December,2004,a young girl called Tilly Smith was on holiday with her family in Phuket, Thailand. No one__21__what was about to happen -a tsunami(海啸)that would kill about 200,000 people Tilly had studied tsunami in her__22__class and had seen video of tsunami.
"My mum __23__ realize what was happening," said Tilly. But Tilly did. “__24__ saw this bubbling(冒泡).on the water which looked as if it was being heated up, and was making a __25__noise.The water was coming in, but it wasn't going out__ 26__. It was coming in, and in. towards the hotel."
She__27__to her mother and sister and told them that it was a tsunami.__28__ they did not believe her. She was only 10 years Old. Maybe she was just hoping to see tsunami __29__she had studied it?
Tilly's father went back to the hotel__30__ her sister. They told the people who worked in the hotel what Tilly had said. Tilly ran out to the beach, to warn the people__3l__.The hotel workers believed Tilly. They began to get people off the beach. __32__a few minutes later, a huge wave swept over the beach. The beach was__33__ of the few beaches in Phuket where no one was__34__ or seriously hurt. This was all because of 10-year-old Tilly Smith. She and all her__35__ escaped(撤离).
2l.A.forgot B. thought C. found D. knew
22.A.physics B. History C. geography D. chemistry
23.A.won 't B. didn't C. doesn't D. wouldn't
24.A. I B. They C. You D. She
25.A.good B. common C. strange D. peaceful
26.Amore B. again C. then D. soon
27.A. turned B. came C. went D. ran
28.A.At once B. At last C. In fact D. At first
29.A.before B. when C. though D. because
30.A.from B. for C. with D. of
31.A.there B inside C. here D. outside
32.A.Next B. Only C. After D. Quite
33.A.one B. all C. some D. none
34.A.left B. saved C. discovered D. killed
35.A.group B. friends C. family D. team

21.D 22.C 23.B 24 .A 25. C 26. D 27.D 28 D 29 D 30.C 31.A 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.C

请写清选择的思路及理由,急,我的问题是:39、为什么选D不选A; 43、为什么选A不选D; 46、为什么选A不选B. 请写清思路及理由,急,我的问题是:冰漂浮在水面上,此时水的重力(质量)为什么小于冰的重力(质量).请老师帮忙解答一下,写清理由, 请写清思路及选择的理由,急,请各位老师帮忙讲一下55题应该选什么, 请写清选择的思路及理由,急,请各位老师帮忙讲一下45题应该选什么, 请写清思路及理由,急,第二问答案是:34.0g<x<37.0g,我的问题是:它是怎样从图中分析得到的?从图中并不能看出来啊. 英语题求助,请写清思路及理由,谢谢我的问题是:68题答案给的是:types of sharks attacks and how we can avoid them.而我写的是:how sharks attack people and the way to avoid them.请各位老师帮忙看一下我这样写 化学题求助,倾斜清思路及选择的理由,在线等,急,谢谢下列各组气体可以用同种方法收集的是()A、氧气,一氧化碳,二氧化碳B、氧气,氢气,一氧化碳C、二氧化碳,氢气,一氧化碳D、二氧化碳,氢 请写清选择的思路及理由,急,每100g草鱼中主要营养成分的平均质量如下表所示:则该草鱼能提供人类生命活动必需的营养素有()A、六大类 B、五大类 C、四大类 物理题求助,请写清思路及理由,在线等,急,谢谢冬冬在做“探究通过导体的电流与电阻的关系”的实验中.在实验中使用的滑动变阻器除了有保护电路的作用,还起到( )作用.我问同学,同 倾斜清思路及选择的理由,急,关于一氧化碳和二氧化碳的叙述中,正确的是()A、都是无毒有色的气体B、都是氧化物,可用氢氧化钙溶液鉴别C、都能与氧气发生氧化反应D、都能溶于水,并能使 请写清思路及理由,急,在平行四边形ABCD中,两条对角线AC,BD相交于点O,则与△ABO面积相等的三角形的个数是( ) 黑非洲发展最主要的问题是(选择): 请:加上解题思路,我的选择是D, 选择的理由 我喜欢的诗歌及推荐理由(现代诗)及推荐理由(理由20字) 高中数学 求这几道选择的答案及步骤 在线等 急 《春》的行文思路急 急 急 我的问题是.数字迷宫.