求八年级下人教版英语书上每个单元的重点句型与短语句型每个单元至少五个 短语每个单元至少十五个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:58:41
求八年级下人教版英语书上每个单元的重点句型与短语句型每个单元至少五个 短语每个单元至少十五个

求八年级下人教版英语书上每个单元的重点句型与短语句型每个单元至少五个 短语每个单元至少十五个
句型每个单元至少五个 短语每个单元至少十五个

求八年级下人教版英语书上每个单元的重点句型与短语句型每个单元至少五个 短语每个单元至少十五个
Unit1 will people have robots? 1.study at homeon computers 在家在电脑上学习 2.be free 免费,有空 3.use money 使用钱 4.in 100 years = 100 years from now 100年后 5.live to be 100years old 活到100岁 6.fewer people/trees/students/cars… 更少的人/树/学生/车 7.less money/freetime/pollution…… 更少的钱/空闲时间/污染 8.be in college =go to coolege 上大学 9.What do youthink Sally will be? 你认为Sally将成为什么? 10.live in/ at /on live in a tall building live at Center Road live on the second floor live on a space station 12.fly to themoon 飞往月球 13.fallin love with sb/sth 爱上 14.live alone 独居 feel lonely 感到孤独 a lonely villege 一个偏僻的村庄 5.keep a petparrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉 16.look+adj look smart / happy / unhappy 17.be able to dosth 19.thehead of …的领导 / 头儿 18.come true (梦想)实现 20.one of the 形容词最高级 +( pl.)n 最.之一 one of the best students 21.no/nobody/nothing/someone/somebody/something/anyone/anybody/anything no = not a / an .. / not any nobody = not anybody nothing = not anything 22.be usedby; 被使用 be invited/ killed/ destroyed /opened/ given; 23. A (n.) thesame as B (n.) A the same + n. +asB as + adj.原形 + as His pen is the same as yours. He has the same pen as you. His pen is as new as yours. 24.make/let/havesb do sth 使/让某人做. 25.two / five hundred两百,五百 hundreds of 成百上千,好几百 Unit2what should I do? 1.too loud 太大声 playCDs too loudly 放CD太大声 2.big enough/enough money 足够大 / 足够的钱 be + adj,enough + to do sth. 足以做某事 3.argue with sb about sth 同.就某事吵架 4.out of style / in style 过时 / 流行 5.what’s wrong?/what’s the matter (with him)? (他)怎么啦? There’ssomething wrong with the bike? Something iswrong with the computer. 6.write sb aletter=write a letter to sb; 给.写信 give sbsth=give sth to sb ; buy sb sth = buy sth for sb; get sb sth=get sth for sb; make sb sth=make sth for sb; borrow sb sth=borrow sth from sb; lend sb sth=lend sth to sb; pass sb sth=pass sth to sb; show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. cook sb. sth. = cook sth. to sb. 7.a ticket to aball game; 一张球赛的票 8.surprisesb; 使.惊讶 besurprised at sth; 对某事惊讶 be surprised to do sth; 吃惊地做. 9.talk about sthon the phone; 在电话上谈论. 10.need sth; (sb. ) need to do sth; (sth.) need doing He needs some help. We need to water the trees. The watch needs fixing. 11.either / too /also either + single n. either of us / the twins / either … or … either side = both sides -- Would you like some tea or coffee? -- Either is OK. Either you or he is going to the meeting.. Either he or you are going to the meeting. 12.(sb.) pay…for (sb.) spend … on / doing sth. (sth.) cost It takes … to do… 13.ask sb forsth ask the police for help ask Mom for money 14.inexpensive;impossible; unusual; unpleasant; unhappy 15.tell sb(not)to do sth; ask sb (not ) to do sth; want sb (not) to do sth; 16.be happy/ mad/ tired/ popular/ annoyed/ nervous/ upset/ scared 17.get happy/ mad/ tired/ popular/ annoyed/nervous 18.find out 20.invitesb to do sth 邀请.做. 19.plan sth for sb 为.打算/计划. plan to dosth 计划做. 21.except ; 除了.之外(不包括在内) besides (包括在内) We go to school except Saturday and Sunday. They all pass the exam besides Bill. There’s nothing but an old desk in the room. 22. what todo; how to do it; where to go; I don’t know what to do. = I don’t know what I should do. 23.leave sth +aplace 把.忘在.I left my homework at home. 25.fail the exam / pass the exam 考试不及格 / 通过考试 26.get on well with sb 与.相处融洽 27.return to 回到. 28.have a fight with sb 与.吵架 29.a piece of advise/ news 一条建议/一则消息 30.learn to do 学会做. 31.on the one hand……on the other hand…… 一方面.另一方面. Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 1.see/ watch/ hear sb do sth; 看见/观察到/听见某人做.(全过程,often) see/ watch/ hear sb doing sth 看见/观察到/听见某人在做.(正在发生,when) 2. in front of 在(物体外部)的前面 in the front of 在(物体内部)的前面 There is a big tree in front of the house. There is a computer in the front of the classroom. 3.sleep late 睡得晚,睡懒觉 4.get out of 从.出来 5.talk on the phone 打电话 6.cuthair 理发 7.land in/at 降落在. land on Center Street 降落在中央大街 8.take off 起飞,脱下 9.How beautiful she is!/ What a beautiful girl! How + adj. /adv. +主语+谓语+其它! What + a/ anadj. 单数n. / adj. +复数名词 /不可数名词 +主语+谓语+其它! How beautifulthe coat is! How hard they are working! What a nice dayit is! What an exciting movie it is! What nice food! What wonderful books they are! 10.look at look for look after look like 11.shout at sb (不友善的)冲.叫喊 shoutto (友善的)冲.叫喊 12.jump down from 从.跳下 14.runaway 逃跑 13.on the tree (果实,树叶)在树上 in the tree (人,动物等)在树上 15.What happened to sb? 某人怎么啦? 16.What will happen? 将会发生什么? happen to dosth. 碰巧做. 17.think of/ about sth. / doing sth. 18.What do you think of……?=How do you like……? 你觉得.怎么样? Unit4 He said I was hard-working. 1.hard-working 勤勉的,努力工作的 2.be mad at 对.恼火 3.not…any more / anymore= no more; not any longer = no longer 不再 The baby didn’t cry anymore. = The baby cried no more. 4.first ofall 首先 5.be supposed to do = should do 应该做. 6.be good at=do well in sth. / doing sth. 7.in good health 8.have a hard time with 在.有困难 9.copy one’s homework 抄作业 10.get over 克服,原谅 Unit5 If you go to the party, you will have a great time. 1 take the bus to 坐车去. 2.let sb in/ out 让某人进来/出去 3. half the class 一半的同学 4.make some money 挣钱 5. travle around the world 周游世界 7. seem like +n. It seems that +从句 8. make a living by doing sth 以.谋生 9.laugh at sb 嘲笑. 10. make sth +adj make our country stronger and more beautiful 11. have a great time/ have a good time/ have fun/enjoy oneself 12. have fun doing sth ; have problems doing sth ; have a difficult time with sth have a difficult time doing sth 13. take sth away=take away sth (call up; put on; take off turn on turn off turn down turn up pick up )