一道超搞的英语数学题~有急用~A sets of elements that is taken without regard to the order in which the elements are arranged is called:A:sequence B:permutation C:combination D:progresstion

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 14:25:59
一道超搞的英语数学题~有急用~A sets of elements that is taken without regard to the order in which the elements are arranged is called:A:sequence B:permutation C:combination D:progresstion

一道超搞的英语数学题~有急用~A sets of elements that is taken without regard to the order in which the elements are arranged is called:A:sequence B:permutation C:combination D:progresstion
A sets of elements that is taken without regard to the order in which the elements are arranged is called:A:sequence B:permutation C:combination D:progresstion

一道超搞的英语数学题~有急用~A sets of elements that is taken without regard to the order in which the elements are arranged is called:A:sequence B:permutation C:combination D:progresstion

combination组合progresstion (不知道)

一道超搞的英语数学题~有急用~A sets of elements that is taken without regard to the order in which the elements are arranged is called:A:sequence B:permutation C:combination D:progresstion 一道超难的数学题, 一道完全搞不懂的数学题 一道六年级的趣味数学题,急用!~越快越好 一道关于圆的数学题,急用啊, 一道超难初中数学题 解一道超难的数学题若a^2(b-c)+b^2(c-a)+c^2(a-b)=0,求证:a、b、c三个数中至少有两个数相等 一道数学题,超容易的,我急用...5555一个正方体玻璃容器,棱长3分米,里面乘有水,把一个土豆没在水中,水面上升1.5厘米,土豆的体积有多大?(住意单位的大小,是分米和厘米!)五年级的数学题!!,不 超简单的一道数学题ABC集邮 A比B多40 C是A的4分之3 B是三人邮票总数的4分之1 问三人邮票各多少 希望有过程 一道超简单的英语题deer有复数形式吗? 一道奇怪的数学题,有图,a^2怎样来? 这是一道超难数学题,求被破 一道数学题急用3Q了 急用 一套校服 英语怎么说就是有裤子有衣服的,可不可以a set of school uniform? 急!一道超难数学题(初二下)已知(1/a)-(1/b)=3,求分式(2a+3ab-2b)/(a-ab-b)的值 一道数学题,超容易的,我急用一个木制的正方体的棱长为2分米,每个面的正中有一个正方形的孔通到对边,孔的边长为1分米,孔的各棱长平行于正方体相对的棱长,那么这个露空的几何体的总表 求一题初二下的超难数学题有解答的! 有没有超低功耗的RTU啊急用