
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 23:47:31


The first creature doesn't have eyes, because in its periphery has no need to look things exist; it also has no ears, because the external without any need to hear things; peripheral no smell, so it's not breathing; it does not have any organ, because in it. Nothing will be sucked into the or by draining it, so don't need any digestive. It was growing out of time, it waste arranged into its food, its behavior and behavior are derived from it, also be to it. Creators conceive the head can provide for oneself the creature, the lack of all things than other creatures are perfect. In addition, it does not need to take any object of any defense measures, the creator did not consider it necessary to give any offering to its hands. It is not enough with the foot, the whole of it is a moving means. Although it has the Supreme Soul and wisdom, but it moves toward the concept is rather vague, because it only in the same place, so it is like the ball moving path; but with its own limitations, it can only be kept ring spinning

跪求柏拉图此段文字英文原文!“这头生物并不拥有眼睛,因为在它的外围已经没有任何需要观望的东西存在;它亦没有耳朵,因为外围没有任何需要聆听的事物;外围没有任何的气息,所以它不 这段文字求说明 中译英文字求此段文字的英文翻译,同学给的,感觉不太好翻译.比较着急要,求高手帮忙翻译成英文, 求柏拉图洞喻的英文译本 求语文高手赏析这段文字 父母是孩子最好的老师 这句话是谁说的 并求英文原文 林中小溪,第31段,这段文字描写了哪些小生物 帮忙破译这段只有头一个拼音字母的文字.zfaaxgfmwd7有大小写,原句是:ZfAaxgfMwd7 求马克吐温英文原文, 跪求《成功并不像你想象的那么难》原文!实在不行英文也行!眼那篇论文的原文 不是这个故事 柏拉图的英文拼写 阅读《隆中对》第四段,以强为弱者 为:贤能为之用 为:此段文字有几个成语,请找出来.诸葛亮为刘备策划的最终目标为:_____________________.(用原文回答). 帕斯卡曾说过,……人是一颗有思想的芦苇…… 求此经典段所在的原文段内容.求完整. 跪求帮忙翻译这段文字英文!论文的 希望不要用机器翻译Data SetsThe1993 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS),17 the NHIS linked to the National Death Index (NDI) through 199518 (the most current nationally representative sources 过秦论中,写秦始皇拥有至高权力的句子是?并概括这段文字的意思 口技这段文字共运用了哪些修辞手法?请具体指出并分析其作用.三、四段 这段文字选自哪里? 柏拉图我们相遇了 这句话的英文怎么说