“I can’t believe this is happening.” I thought as I saw Jane walk into the restaurant.She hadn’t changed at all.She was still tall and beautiful,with wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes.I smiled and thought of how my life had changed since

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 17:28:27
“I can’t believe this is happening.” I thought as I saw Jane walk into the restaurant.She hadn’t changed at all.She was still tall and beautiful,with wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes.I smiled and thought of how my life had changed since

“I can’t believe this is happening.” I thought as I saw Jane walk into the restaurant.She hadn’t changed at all.She was still tall and beautiful,with wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes.I smiled and thought of how my life had changed since
“I can’t believe this is happening.” I thought as I saw Jane walk into the restaurant.She hadn’t changed at all.She was still tall and beautiful,with wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes.I smiled and thought of how my life had changed since we had last met.
It all started when I noticed her at a party in a friend’s house.I followed her to the dining-room and started talking to her about the food.“You seem very interested in food,she laughed.“Well,I’m a great cook,” I told her.It was a lie,but I had to find an excuse to see her again.“Why don’t I cook you dinner sometime?”
Two days later,Jane came to my house.However,the dinner party was very embarrassing.I ordered food from a nearby restaurant,but I told her that I had cooked it.After dinner,she offered to wash up and found the delivery boxes in the kitchen.She laughed at me and I felt awful.Angry with myself,I decided then and there to learn how to cool.
I never saw Jane after our terrible dinner date.I started a cooler course and found that I was good at it after all.I went on to train to be a great cook.I worked hard and saved up until I was able to open my own restaurant.
Now,she had walked into my restaurant.Feeling very happy,I pretended I was a waiter and walked to her table.“Ready to order,madam?” I asked.
1.During their first talk,the writer ________ .
A) shower Jane how rich he was B) told Jane how much he loved her
B) showed Jane how to cook a dish D) told Jane he was good at cooking
2.The writer said,“Why don’t I cook you dinner sometime?” because he wanted to _____.
A) show Jane that he was a good cook B) help Jane with her housework
C) get a job as a cook and make Jane happy D) find an excuse to see and again
3.Jane didn’t find out the truth until _____.
A) someone else told her about it B) the writer himself told her about it
D) she happened to find the delivery boxes D) she tasted the food the writer had cooked
4.The writer became the owner of a restaurant because _____.
A) he has an experienced cook there B) his friends helped him a lot
B) he learned his lesson and worked hard D) Jane had joined him in the business
5.From the story we know that ______ .
A) the writer’s life didn’t change at all B) the writer’s life changed a lot
B) the writer became a waiter in a restaurant D) the writer invited Jane to his restaurant

“I can’t believe this is happening.” I thought as I saw Jane walk into the restaurant.She hadn’t changed at all.She was still tall and beautiful,with wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes.I smiled and thought of how my life had changed since

b c a d d

d d c c b