
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 11:39:38


e:every each earth even ear early easy end eight eighteen eighth eighty enough Europe ever exercise eye excited else elephant enjoy excuse expensive
r:rain read reason relax remember relax report restaurant rice right rule ruler red radio rat rest result rich rent ride river roll record
y:yard yet yogurt yuck you your yourself yours yield yell yesterday young youth 这个实在少
w:week way weak weekday weekend well west western wet wheel whole where which who what why want win worry work worker worse wait wallet walk waiter warm water wear weather windy winter word world would will
t:talk tall taxi tea team term terrible test this that these those tiger thin though through think thank tour tourist toy turn TV take talent than then theater thirsty time together tomorrow today tooth too two to top town train try twice
s:some so south sore stay stop success stress still six skate sick shower seven sweep sleep sit sun son same safe save sea seat send serious salt school say see shop show shy sing sir size street skill snow spend special story stand summer study

rel(ation)(sh)ip rem(ed)ial rem(ed)y rem(in)isc(ence) rem(one)(right)e(ou)s(ness) (right)f(ful)ly rigm(ar)ole r(ing)(en)t

e/r/y/w/t/s打头的单词越多越好,至少每个20个,尽量常见 拼单词:R E A T E W S r r a e y l可组成什么单词n o c e:t e i w c:s o m s e t m i e: 以A、E、G、H、I、J、L、M、N、O、P、R、S、T、V、W打头的有关职业的单词……急啊!老师让找全 w,t,e,e,r,a,s组成的单词是什么? `1.w,t,e,e,r,a,s组成的单词 由n.t.s.h.w.o.e.t.r.组成的单词, r e w h e t a组成的单词 将下列打乱的字母重新排列组成新单词,并写出汉语意思a,t,i,w d,i,e,r,v f,f,h,i,t t,n,a,r,i i,f,d,n e,e,r,y,v c,o,l,t,e,s e,t,a o,h,w g,g,p,a,n,e,t,l 找有关天气的单词在每行的字母中找出有关天气单词1.z w k g r a y e b e d2.n y r a i n y s h i t3.s c e y o p w i n d y4.s n o w y o l o n e x5.w m c l o u d y g r a6.t d f i n e a r t z z7.c o l d i g r e u s y8.s c d g i o l w a (i ,e,d ,r) (e ,d ,l ,p ,y ,a) (y ,a ,t,s ) (e ,k ,e ,w ) 分别可以组成什么单词? 用所给字母组合单词.s e t a e r s w s x t i y h d u n用所给字母组合单词.s e t a e r s w s x t i y h d u n e r d e p e s v e x n i r o a n e g r c s f a w t e e r a t能组成什么单词对不起,打错了,应该是w t e e r s a能组成什么单词 f a e s组成单词r o w y r 组合单词e g a r e 组合 用s e t a e r s w组成一个单词 用送给字母组成单词 s e t a e r s w 写一写下列每组字母组成的新单词是什么?(1)e,c,n,s,i,t ( )(2)f,l,e,a ( )(3)u,e,r,t,t,b,l,f,y ( )(4)o,e,n,y,h ( )(5)o,e,r,w,f,l ( )(6)r,r,r,m,i,o ( ) 将下列字母重新排列组成一个单词,h e p s a c e,i b y u g n,s u e gs,s e w i s a t r,i t u r f,