"现在看来,我当初的想法是对的" 英语怎么说呀

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 14:40:12

"现在看来,我当初的想法是对的" 英语怎么说呀
"现在看来,我当初的想法是对的" 英语怎么说呀

"现在看来,我当初的想法是对的" 英语怎么说呀
Now it seems that I was right at that time.
可改为:Now it seems that I was right back then (两个that听上去有点别扭)
Now looks like,my initial idea was to !
Looking back,I have realized that my idea at the time was correct.
2.looking back和at the time重复了,啰嗦
可改为:Looking back,I realize that my thoughts were appropriate/ accurate/ advantageous
Now it seems that I had been correct in my initial ideas.
改为:Now it seems that I've been reasonable all along
Now it seems that my initial reasoning/judgement/decision was suitable/advantageous
In retrospect,my ideas at the time were correct.
1.有是重复,要么去掉in retrospect要么去掉at the time
I realize that I was right in the first place.(没有直接翻译,变得更地道点)
after all those years/months/...,I eventually found out that I chose the favorable/proper way at the very beginning.

Now it seems that I was right at that time.

My thoughts were right looking through.

Now looks like, my initial idea was to !现在看来,我当初的想法是对的 英文翻译 谢谢!

Looking back, I have realized that my idea at the time was correct.
Now it seems that I had been correct in my initial ideas.
In retrospect, my ideas at the time were correct.

Now it seems that, I had the idea of the

looking back,my decision was right.

现在看来,我当初的想法是对的 英语怎么说呀 高中英语可以速成吗剩30来天高考,这次模拟考.我语文97,英语17,我英语初中就没学,到了高中我当初想法是学数学,从高2到现在把数学从当初的5分提高到了现在83分.期间放弃了英语,现在我才意 保尔当年斩断与丽达的爱情出于什么想法?现在的保尔对自己当初的做法有什么新想法? 七班 阅读 (美国)珍妮丝.康纳利 我为什么哑然失笑?是作者为什么会对当初的想法哑然失笑?我打错字了 一个巴掌拍不响这句话现在看来是对的吗? 我现在都有想死的想法. 当初我不应该这样对你,请你原谅我的英语怎么说 我对快餐的想法(100字英语短文) 以我看来’的英语怎么说 当初你给我的感觉和现在的感觉是一样是什么意思 夜深人静的时候我常常问自己,当初决定来地球,是对还是错. 那现在看来似乎是不可能的用英语怎么说 那现在看来似乎是不可能的用英语怎么说 我此时所想即是你的想法 英语怎么说 这不是我的真实想法用英语怎么说 我走错了一步.我以为我有多重要,走到今天,我只是为了证明自己当初的想法是正确的,他们已经不看重我了,而我损失的是:未来的所有. 为什么现在那么多人爱说去死?原来只是听女生说,现在也听男生说,并且不管关系远近都爱对我说去死…这个口头禅是什么意思,当初是怎么流行起来的?我还从来没说过呢… 我不晓得当初为什么管它叫做兴安岭,由今天看来,它的确含有兴国安邦的意义.这句话的理解啊..这个是出自老舍的《林海》!