
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 16:15:31


FML=Fuck My Life
最近在有些论坛上经常会流传这么一个缩写FML,可能很多人还不知道这到底是个什么意思是什么英文单词的缩写.其实FML的意思是Fuck My Life,翻译成中文就是我x蛋的人生,通俗的说法就是中文的我x.其实起因是因为国外有个类似中国分享秘密的网站

169FML是什么意思 FML是什么意思?不知道不怪你,也不怪我 FML什么意思? fml什么意思 fml什么意思 FML what's the fuck 请问“FML”什么意思哈?谢谢! 英语字典里常有一个注释符号(fml 大学英语中文章后的名词解释中 (fml)指的是什么在线等类似(pl)等缩写 英语翻译1,陶渊明 的英文(就是老外认识的那种 一看 他就知道是名人陶渊明)2,功名利禄(能表达出这个意思也行 但要fml!) 3.中国古代人 喝的 那种 酒 在英文中是哪个 词 同样 要fml!4.统治 英语翻译Today,my extremely overweight roommate decided to not only be a nudist,but also to get in shape for his new lifestyle.He's been doing naked lunges in our room for the last twenty minutes.FML 英语翻译Today,at a club,I was dancing with a hot guy.We were really getting into it when his friends came over,picked him up,and carried him away from me.FML 169是什么意思 ©是什么意思 英语翻译Today,I found out that the candy bracelet my sister gave me a few days ago was actually a candy cock ring she'd used on her boyfriend just a few hours prior.Apparently,she didn't like the taste.I however,did.FML 英语翻译Today,I found out that the candy bracelet my sister gave me a few days ago was actually a candy cock ring she'd used on her boyfriend just a few hours prior.Apparently,she didn't like the taste.I however,did.FML主要是讲解语法. 大家帮我看看这两个平台做设计那个速度快!Intel奔腾E5800/散装(3.2G)华硕P5P43T SI金邦黑龙2GB 2GB DDR3 133西部数据1TB SATA3/绿盘华硕EAH575 FML/2DI/512先马冰麒麟i5顺达秋霸525三星E2220七巧手Q300超频 英语翻译I can describe the ride to Encino in three simple letters… FML.That one hour seemed like fifteen,no joke.Richard insisted on playing nothing but LL Cool J.Don’t get me wrong,I love LL like the next person—and he is fine as I don’t