
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 16:27:33


The optimal allocation of distribution system switches on the nature of the problem is a design and reliability constraints of 0-1 integer programming problems, often based on cost-benefit analysis, the investment in equipment to reduce power losses and overall efficiency obtained by the formation of the objective function, the establishment of model. The model is a nonlinear, non-differentiable, continuous - discrete mixed combinatorial optimization problems. Meanwhile, the decision variables the objective function is not easy to resolve with the expression of its large computational complexity, is a combinatorial optimization problem. There are many ways to solve the current, such as: direct calculation, sub-feeder the simple method, heuristic methods, Bellmann methods, artificial intelligence algorithms. Now more commonly used artificial intelligence algorithms, including simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, immune algorithm, tabu search algorithms, particle swarm algorithm, these algorithms are still to some extent, there is still insufficient. For example, the genetic algorithm itself, the performance characteristics of the defect, making their genetic algorithm to solve practical problems, easy to fall into local optimal solution. PSO is the need to go through more cycles before convergence to the global optimum. In the above stochastic optimization algorithms, due to the dimension of the limit, the optimization process in the distribution system switches each switch position corresponds to a variable, the state quantity, so easily lead to inefficient search. To be more reasonably applied to practical problems in the past, must find a solution both accurate and efficient method. By considering reliability and economic coordination, the optimal configuration of switches range of options; power distribution system for the probability of availability indicators known conditions, solving the optimal solution, in order to achieve practical and effective purpose.

英语翻译配电系统开关的优化配置问题本质上是一个计及可靠性约束的0-1整数规划问题,常以成本效益分析为基础,将设备投资和减少停电损失获得的经济效益综合形成目标函数,建立模型.该模 vbfn1系列真空负荷开关适用于电压为多少电压等级的配电系统 配电系统图 不明白配电图字母的意思 配电系统图下面的符号是什么意思 、开关箱是配电系统的未级箱,开关箱与所控制的固定式用电设备水平距离应为多少米? 开关箱是配电系统的未级箱,开关箱与所控制的固定式用电设备水平距离应为多少米? 安卓系统和IOS系统本质上的区别 配电系统图解释 如何理解供配电系统中的进线开关,出线开关?在建筑电气说明上看到进线开关 出线开关 ,不清楚具体的意思,哪位同行能帮忙解释一下? 配电系统中 如何根据设备功率来选择开关、电缆 高压10KV配电室系统图纸的符号是什么意思 电工技术的名词解释.1.配电自动化系统2.配电网 配电系统图里的vigic65N63A/300mA 0. 配电系统下面的这段话是什么意思什么是单母线分段 英语翻译近年来全球企业信息化建设发展迅猛,但我国企业信息化建设仍然处于初级阶段,存在着许多问题.本文通过对XX公司进存销系统的分析和优化,着重论述该信息系统采购,库存,销售等模 照明配电系统图作用 什么是建筑供配电系统? 我国的供配电系统采用的是什么系统?TN--C还是TN--S