阅读思考并回答问题A student named Tom is trying to save money from his summer job.In August,he earned $100 by washing dishes in a restaurant.He saved 25% of that money.How much did Tom save?_________________________________________________

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 03:48:14
阅读思考并回答问题A student named Tom is trying to save money from his summer job.In August,he earned $100 by washing dishes in a restaurant.He saved 25% of that money.How much did Tom save?_________________________________________________

阅读思考并回答问题A student named Tom is trying to save money from his summer job.In August,he earned $100 by washing dishes in a restaurant.He saved 25% of that money.How much did Tom save?_________________________________________________
A student named Tom is trying to save money from his summer job.In August,he earned $100 by washing dishes in a restaurant.He saved 25% of that money.How much did Tom save?
Many stores have some discount items.Tom notices that a store has a bag on sale.The original price of the bag is $100.On that day,the price is reduced 40%.How much money does Tom need to pay for the bag?
After buying the bag,what percent of the $100 that he earned does Tom have left for other expenses?

阅读思考并回答问题A student named Tom is trying to save money from his summer job.In August,he earned $100 by washing dishes in a restaurant.He saved 25% of that money.How much did Tom save?_________________________________________________
1、$25 100X25%=25
2、$60 100X(1-40%)=60
3、$15 100-25-60=15

阅读思考并回答问题. 阅读思考并回答问题 :A student named Tom is trying to save money from his summer job,In August,he earned $100 by washing dishes in a restaurant.He saved 25%of that money.How much did Tom save? 阅读思考并回答问题A student named Tom is trying to save money from his summer job.In August,he earned $100 by washing dishes in a restaurant.He saved 25% of that money.How much did Tom save?_________________________________________________ 英语阅读并回答问题 P49:阅读思考并回答问题(摆托了,..:版本:深圳报业集团出版社,问的是英语的 阅读短文并回答下列问题. 简单高一历史问题阅读材料回答问题: 世界各地所有的人都在认真思考并坦率地议论著西方的社会制度也许会失败和不再起作用的可能性. —阿诺德 漫画《谁的错》,就是看漫画《谁的错》思考并回答问题 阅读下面的每段材料并回答问题 阅读梁秋实的鸟并回答下列问题 阅读《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》,回答下面的问题,并给出理由下列理解不恰当的一项是( )(3分)A.本文第一段写出了邹忌能冷静思考,不为奉承所迷惑.B.本文第二段运用两组排比句式增强了语势, 2013年七年级上册《快乐寒假》南方出版社 王者主编p.3 一、请你阅读下面的短文,思考并回答后面的问题.我的第一次作文(节选)肖复兴答案全面加50财富 阅读【松鼠】一文,思考并回答问题:1、作者从那几个方面介绍松鼠的?2、从哪里可以看出作者对松鼠的喜爱要答 阅读【松鼠】一文,思考并回答问题:1、作者从那几个方面介绍松鼠的?2、从哪里可以看出作者对松鼠的喜爱喜爱后面加问号,要答 I am a student.改为一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答 2 . Tom is a student . (改为一般疑问句并做肯定、否定回答) l am a student变否定句、疑问句并肯定否定回答 I am a university student.改成一般疑问句,并做否定回答.