《小升初衔接教材【英语】》答案 (第四讲 句法 基础训练A级)一、将下列肯定句改为否定句.Tina's parts are chatting now.否定句:Tina's parts ______ chatting now. 2.Betty has a big family.否定句:Bet

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 07:10:08
《小升初衔接教材【英语】》答案 (第四讲 句法 基础训练A级)一、将下列肯定句改为否定句.Tina's parts are chatting now.否定句:Tina's parts ______ chatting now.  2.Betty has a big family.否定句:Bet

《小升初衔接教材【英语】》答案 (第四讲 句法 基础训练A级)一、将下列肯定句改为否定句.Tina's parts are chatting now.否定句:Tina's parts ______ chatting now. 2.Betty has a big family.否定句:Bet
《小升初衔接教材【英语】》答案 (第四讲 句法 基础训练A级)
Tina's parts are chatting now.
否定句:Tina's parts ______ chatting now.
  2.Betty has a big family.
否定句:Betty ______ a big family.
  3.We will go to Hangzhou tomrrow.
  4.Miss Li was in the USA last month.
  5.Lisa comes fromes from Australia.

Mice can't swim.
   2.John doesn'tlike music.
   3.You won't get fatter.
   4.We don't live in Beijing.
   5.There isn;t a nice picture on the wall.

You are going to visit the History Museum.
   2.My two brothers went fishing one day.
   3.The twins are clibing the tree now.
   4.He has a lovely dog.
   5.There is some ink in the bottle.

四、用There be的正确形式填空.
1.________a big tent at the camping site.
2.________some milk in the glass.
3.________some boys beside the school bus.
4.________one spoon and two forks in the cupboard.
5.________not any brand on the piate.
6.________about 60 studnts in my clss.

《小升初衔接教材【英语】》答案 (第四讲 句法 基础训练A级)一、将下列肯定句改为否定句.Tina's parts are chatting now.否定句:Tina's parts ______ chatting now. 2.Betty has a big family.否定句:Bet
一1aren't 2 hasn't 3We won't go to Hangzhou tomrrow. 4Miss Li wasn't in the USA last month. 5.Lisa doesn't come fromes from Australia.
二 1 Mice can swim. 2 John likes music. 3You will get fatter. 4.We live in Beijing. 5There is a nice picture on the wall.
三 1Are you going to visit the History Museum? yes,I am/No,I am not 2 Did your two brothers  go fishing one day.Yes,they did/No,they didn't?3Are the twins clibing the tree now.? yes,they are/No,they aren't4does he
have a lovely dog.?yes,he has/No,he hasn't 5Is there some ink in the bottle?yes,there is/No,there isn't
四1there is 2there is 3there are 4 there is5there aren't 6 there are

《小升初衔接教材【英语】》答案 (第四讲 句法 基础训练A级)一、将下列肯定句改为否定句.Tina's parts are chatting now.否定句:Tina's parts ______ chatting now. 2.Betty has a big family.否定句:Bet 小升初衔接英语答案是溧阳这边的. 第四讲练习题答案 轻松上初中 数学 答案哪些错误说错了,是初中预备班,数学,小升初衔接教材答案,有部分错误,告诉我那些错。 新东方小升初衔接班答案 小升初衔接教材英语答案,我比我的弟弟大三岁.I’m( )than my brother.英汉互译:回头见() go tobed() do one’s homework拍一段视频() 我们的鞋子()进来() 犯错误() 起床()Walk to school 新视野大学英语课后习题答案新视野大学英语第三册,第四册(第二版)读写教材 听说教材 要全啊 setionA setionB 都有的 不全的我已经有了 发了没有用啊 2009-2010小学语文六年级上册第四单元试卷答案北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材 急求一份《电力拖动自动控制系统---运动控制系统》 课后题答案,需要思考题的答案,教材是第四版的 2013暑假新时空新高一初高中衔接版数学 英语答案跪求答案 新东方小升初英语衔接班是全英文讲课的吗 答案用英语怎么讲 谁能看出这幅图的图意?是2013年,小升初衔接教材语文,由江苏人民出版社出版的第64页的《眼睛》 小升初衔接教材数学93页答案(有步骤)1、一列火车以每分钟2160米的速度通过一座桥,整列火车完全在桥上的时间为2.以知桥长为5680米,求这列火车的长.2、甲、乙两人同时从A、B两地出发相向 小升初衔接教材数学答案三十七页第三题 一批零件,师徒合作要十二天完成,现在师徒合作期间因故停工五天,所以共用十五天才完成任务.如果这批零件给师傅独做要多少天完成?七十四页所有 江苏科技出版社的 蓝色时光暑假作业小升初衔接教本英语求答案啊~~~P16的火柴趣题与填字母,读单词实在是做不来啊~~~~~~~~ 谁有2012年四年级数学 英语衔接性暑假作业本全部答案 求《基础小练习》英语七年级上册外研版(衔接)答案