英语周报2013-2014高三外研第17期答案book 6 modules3-421.是When i was on___phone.

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英语周报2013-2014高三外研第17期答案book 6 modules3-421.是When i was on___phone.

英语周报2013-2014高三外研第17期答案book 6 modules3-421.是When i was on___phone.
book 6 modules3-4
21.是When i was on___phone.

英语周报2013-2014高三外研第17期答案book 6 modules3-421.是When i was on___phone.
Book 6 Modules 3-4

1-5 CAABC 6-10 BCABC
11-15 BACBA 16-20 BAABC
21-25 CDABB 26-30 AADAC
31-35 DADBC 36-40 BCCAD
41-45 BBCCD 46-50 DAABC
51-55 DBABC 56-60 DBCBA
61-65 BBCDC 66-70 BCBDC
71-75 BFCGE
76. Four month ago ... month → months
77. At beginning ...
78. Therefore, after ...
Therefore → However
79. ... hardly training ...
hardly → hard
80. ... its more powerful ... 去掉more
81. ... search at criminals ... at → for
82. ... worked as a ... worked → work
83. ... a welcomed visitor ...
welcomed → welcome
84. This help to ... help → helps
85. Which impresses me ...
Which → What
One possible version:
Dear Peter,
I'm glad to hear that you have been admitted to WestminsterSchool.
Congratulations! You really did a wonderful job! Your hard work has paid off.
I hope you'll work as hard as ever in senior school. I heard that the famous school has excellent teachers and facilities, so you should make full use of the advantages. In the new school you'll meet some new classmates. Get on well with them and you'll find you can learn a lot from them. I know you love football, so be sure not to give it up, and meanwhile try to participate in some school activities to enjoy yourself.
I'm sure your new school life will be fruitful and colorful. I wish you the best of luck!
Best regards,
Li Hua
21. C.on the phone在通电话;all of a sudden突然间.
22. D.由“我住院期间你发来祝愿康复卡”可知,你真是考虑周到的(considerate).perfect 完美的;moody喜怒无常的;lively 活泼的.
23. A.根据that从句的意思“我们不能接受它们”可知,此处指“很遗憾地告诉(你)”,故用regret to do sth. 表示“遗憾去做某事”.regret doing / having done sth. 对已发生的事情表示后悔、遗憾.
24. B.大地震后听到“我”的父母安全、健康真是一大慰藉.relief作“(痛苦、忧虑等的)减轻,解除”讲,符合语境.privilege权利,特权;ambition抱负,雄心;challenge挑战.
25. B.根据题意可知,count这个动作发生在谓语动词realised之前,且I与count之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式的完成式作状语.
26. A.题意:多数证据已毁于火灾,所以(Therefore)要证明他有罪几乎是不可能的.
27. A.It’s not surprising that ...……不足为奇.此处It为形式主语,that引导的主语从句为真正的主语.
28. D.由“鲍勃打碎了邻居的窗户”可知,他正在求邻居原谅(forgive)他.scold责备;trust信赖;betray 背叛.
29. A.由答语“但要看情况”可知,“我”可能(might)给他写信.
30. C.one作a key university的同位语,后跟省略了关系词的定语从句.题意:我女儿被一所重点大学录取了,一所她多年梦想的大学.
31. D.由句中的in recent days及and后的分句可知,此处用现在完成进行时.
32. A.由“我刚才看到她们手挽手在路上走着”可知,她们肯定已经和好了(made up).break up解散;give up放弃;split up分裂.
33. D.由答语第二句可知,发话者所说的情况也适合于答话者,故用“so +助动词+主语”这一结构.
34. B.根据题意“要是没有你的帮助,我不可能取得这么大进步”可知,此处表示与过去事实相反,故空格处用couldn’t have made.
35. C.由“别空想了.我们甚至连这个月的租金都付不起”可知,Oh come on!(得了吧!)符合语境.All right.好吧.Well done! 干得不错!It’s my guess.这是我的猜测.
36. B.由下文的her father ... and she was never able to volunteer with him可推测,Renee之所以想成为一名志愿消防员是因为她的父亲是一名志愿消防员.
37. C.由下文的and she was never able to volunteer with him可推测,Renee的父亲在她14岁时“去世(passed away)”了.
38. C.由下文的never gave up可知,Renee对梦想很“坚定(determined)”.
39. A.坚韧不拔是一个好的“消防员(firefighter)”所应具备的品质.下文的Renee is a member of the Carmel Fire Department也提示此处指消防员.
40. D.由下文的to deal with any emergency可知,有时Renee必须“准备好(ready)”处理突发事件.
41. B.由上文的to be an Emergency Medical Technician可推测,Renee有时需要帮助病人.
42. B.由下文的including her husband可知,Renee在工作之余还得照顾“家(family)”.
43. C.由下文的by the alarm及did what she had to do可知,Renee记得自己第一次灭火的经历.
44. C.由下文的early in the morning by the alarm可知,Renee在清晨被警报器“叫醒(awoken)”.
45. D.由上文的Renee remembers the first time she ... a fire及下文的but did what she had to do可知,Renee当时极其“紧张(nervous)”.
46. D.由下文的Helping people及The worst part of my job would be可推测,作者问Renee工作中最好的部分是什么.
47. A.Renee喜欢拯救生命带给她的“满足感(satisfaction)”.
48. A.消防员的工作有时“令人恐惧(frightening)”,但是很刺激.
49. B.由下文的I could handle seeing people die可知,消防员工作最糟糕的部分是要面对人们会“死(die)”这一现实.
50. C.由上文的The worst part of my job可推测,此处说的是Renee的“工作(job)”.
51. D.作者不知道自己是否能够面对人的死亡.
52. B.由上文的Renee is one of the only three women可知,此处是说作为“少数派(minority)”Renee并不烦恼.
53. A.由下文的to risk their lives可知,此处是说Renee有“勇气(courage)”冒生命危险.
54. B.由下文的someday I can be just like her可知,作者在此提出希望.故选Hopefully.
55. C.消防员主要是帮助人们处理突发事件,故选help.
A篇 (个人情感)
56. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her及第一封信中的Will you please take care of my dog? ... I hope you will play with her可知,女孩给上帝写信是为了请求上帝照顾好她的狗.
57. B.推理判断题.由文中的Yesterday, we received a package addressed “To Meredith” in an unfamiliar hand可推断,包裹应该是一位陌生人寄来的.
58. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you ... I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love可推断,回信人希望女孩珍爱自己的妈妈.
59. B.推理判断题.首先,回信人耐心地回信而不是对女孩的信置之不理,说明他(她)关心女孩的感受;其次,从回信人所写内容可知,他(她)努力使女孩开心,并教育女孩要心中充满爱.这些都说明回信人是一个善良的人.
B篇 (自然)
60. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的they take a ride on the Gulf Stream — a strong ocean current of warm water that runs north along the east coast可知,海龟是随着洋流到达大西洋北部的.
61. B.细节理解题.由第四段中的sea turtles head south again as the water turns colder可知.
62. B.细节理解题.由第四段最后一句They need the seawater to provide them with heat及第五段中的When the waters of the northern Atlantic turn cold in the fall, many turtles can't stand the cold可知.
63. C.篇章结构题.由第七段中的52 turtles were ready to return to their natural habitat及文章最后一句So every turtle that gets back out in the wild ... is really important可推断,划线词指的是一些恢复健康的海龟重返大自然.
C篇 (饮食)
64. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的wine is only the third most popular drink in France, behind water and fruit juices可知,如今法国人最喜欢喝水和果汁这些不含酒精的饮品.
65. C.细节理解题.由第三段中的those who grew up in the 70s and 80s, drink less wine but of better quality可知,成长于七十年代和八十年代的法国人注重葡萄酒的品质.
66. B.推理判断题.由第五段最后一句One reason for the change may be, as in many countries, the time for having a long exquisite French meal, including wine, is simply not available nowadays可推断,法国人比过去繁忙.
67. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的However there are other reasons for reduced wine consumption. People do not do as much hard work as before可推断,人们在繁重的工作之后更可能喝葡萄酒.
D篇 (学校生活)
68. B.推理判断题.由第二段最后一句This allows you to feel they are safe及第三段首句They can ring the emergency services if necessary可推断,家长让孩子们上学带手机主要是为了确保孩子们的安全.
69. D.细节理解题.由第四段最后一句Giving them a standard rather than a smartphone will also reduce the risk of distraction可知.
70. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的access to the Internet can also be used to look up answers及The possibility of children having access to this information during exams could be too tempting for pupils not to take advantage of可推断,学生在学校使用手机会使作弊更容易.
71. B.选项B即 You're not alone!与原文空前的nearly every person has struggled with his or her self-confidence at one point及小标题相呼应.
72. F.选项F中的the score is “even” and you haven't been too prideful与原文空前的try giving one back after you've accepted one相呼应.受到别人赞美后还对方一句赞美的话,彼此分数相等,又不显得自己很高傲.
73. C.选项C即Talk a little louder与原文空后的When you are talking louder相呼应.
74. G.选项G与原文空前的Fake it till you make it及空后的make sure you're presenting yourself well ... 相呼应.假装很自信,慢慢就会变得自信.
75. E.选项E与原文空后的Remember that learning is a process, and you're in it for the small victories and the relaxing time, not to be the best ever相呼应.


1-5 CCDAD 6-10 BBCCA
A篇 (自然)
1. C.段落大意题.由第三段中的Animals used for testing usually can't get enough food, water or sleep及Most often, anesthesia is not used at the time of testing可知,本段主要是说实验动物被残忍地对待.
2. C.细节理解题.由第四段中的Humans and animals are not the same genetically及animals and humans react differently to the same foods以及第五段中的The animals are sometimes reused, which affects the outcome of the test可知,应选C项.
3. D.细节理解题.由第五段中的Animals that survived testing are more likely to attack humans可知,实验后幸存下来的动物变得更有攻击性.
4. A.词义猜测题.由上文的These methods could also be used to greatly reduce the scale of animal testing可推测,此句的意思是这些替代方法如果不能完全杜绝动物实验,也可以大幅缩小动物实验的规模.故选get rid of.
5. D.作者态度题.由最后一段中的it is unrealistic to completely ban animal testing, but we do need to take it more seriously可知,作者认为动物实验应更合理、适度地被使用.
B篇 (社会)
6. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的residents will be able to check out the books online without leaving their homes可知.
7. B.细节理解题.由第四段最后一句But BiblioTech will be the country's first completely paperless public library system可知,该图书馆是美国第一所只借阅电子书的公共图书馆.
8. C.推理判断题.由第六段中的Residents of Tucson and Newport Beach, however, lived close to libraries and could easily get to them可推断,Tucson之所以没建成无纸图书馆是因为那里的传统图书馆能满足当地居民的需求.
9. C.细节理解题.由倒数段中的he doesn't intend for paperless libraries to replace traditional ones, but to exist alongside them可知.
10. A.写作目的题.通读全文可知,文章主要报道了美国一个县建立电子书图书馆的事情.故A项正确.