
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:41:00



1.As we all know,Sun Wukong skill,have seventy-two changes,more let a person envy!I often think,if I can change,I would like to become a bird take one's ease,be light of heart from care.
If I were a bird,I would fly to Sichuan to Wenchuan,I remember,it was May 12,2008,a magnitude 8 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan,for a moment,how many houses collapsed,many schools have become ruins,how manypeople died in this disaster,many children became orphans.In three years,with the help of people,the people of Wenchuan stand up,rebuild their homes.I want to fly to where to look,have a look now where people live well,where children are happy.
If I were a bird,I would fly to Beijing the capital of China,to have a look old and young the Imperial Palace,go to have a look the magnificent Tiananmen square,go to have a look and the sun rising five-star red flag,to have a look the world the one and only of the Great Wall,go to have a look the beautiful the Summer Palace,go to have a look old summer palace burned.
If I were a bird,I would fly to the island of Taiwan to Taiwan,I want to tell the kids,kids,how I miss them!I want to tell them,people of the motherland is so anxious to Taiwan and soon returned to the embrace of the mother!
If I were a bird,I would fly over every corner of the world,to have a look the Pyramid of Egypt,France's Triumphal Arch,the Sydney Opera House in australia.
If I were a bird,that should have much good!

Take one's ease of birds flying in the sky,while sucking nectar and dew,while falls eats small insects in the tree.How such a leisurely life,how happy!
Came to a small river,I would first look in the "mirror" the first one Yitai chest,found that he is such a beautiful,with refreshing cool water comb beautiful feathers.
If I were a bird,I would like to enjoy the blue sky.Ah!It is very broad,boundless.Days is the mother of our birds,warm embrace,we rely on!
I'm with the birds fly back to the city,city,my hometown!I thought here on tears!There's an idyllic scene always attract me!People friendly smile reminded me!We then the harmony of human amiable,we must repay them.
If I were a bird,I would fly over every corner of the world,to support every child to sing songs of peace!I'll have a look here,have a look so soon.I see all the people are friendly smile to me.
Happy bird!If you really become,that should have much good!





If i were a fish, I will do this
Spring, all things woke up from a deep sleep, the grass out of the soil, the willows grow a verdant leaves, I and small partners happy to play in the water.


If i were a fish, I will do this
Spring, all things woke up from a deep sleep, the grass out of the soil, the willows grow a verdant leaves, I and small partners happy to play in the water.
In summer, the hot sun baked the earth. At that time I am very happy, hide in cool water, enjoy a bath, not to mention more comfortable.
In autumn, the leaves change their color, some gold, some red, some still very green. I'll take the yellow leaves as a hat; the red leaves as an umbrella; the green leaves as the boat.
A world of ice and snow in winter, the outside, the river is frozen. At this time, I will quietly to find food to eat out, eat after a good sleep, wait until next spring, and then wake up.


如果你可能是一个鸟或鱼,你回事哪一个,写成英语作文英语 如果让你用一个字或一个词语概括你心目中的2011年,你会选择哪一个字或词语呢写作文用啊, 如果让你用一个字或一个词语概括你心目中的2011年,你会选择哪一个字或词语呢 missing you 是想念你还是 错过你?如果只可以选择一个,那么是哪一个呢? 你最喜欢的汉字是哪一个?请写一个好么 帮忙啊~ 如果你参加新浪网“一个字一个词-----用汉语描述2007年的中国或世界”的主题活动,你将选用哪一个字词或短语·,举两例呦 如果让你选择苍蝇、大熊猫、藏羚羊其中的一个灭绝你选哪一个? 如果你是战国时期秦国的一个平民,想获得爵位有没有可能? 如果你要参观欧洲历史最早的国家或地区应当到哪一个国家? 如果你遇到外星人,你最想问的第一个问题是什么?当然可能是火星的,也可能是地心的. 人生的意义在于奉献而不在于索取如果你是一个树就在这一片阴凉如果你是?如果你是?仿写句子 天赋、环境和努力哪个更重要?如果一个白富美或高富帅,他(她)愿意花五成的努力来追你;同时有个黑矮穷丑的男人或女人愿意花十成的努力来追你,你会选择跟哪一个结婚?哪一个在竞争中 天赋、环境和努力哪个更重要?如果一个白富美或高富帅,他(她)愿意花五成的努力来追你;同时有个黑矮穷丑的男人或女人愿意花十成的努力来追你,你会选择跟哪一个结婚?哪一个在竞争中 如是你是鱼 不要迷恋天空 如果你是鸟 不要痴情于海洋这首诗是谁写的 想象作文《假如我是一个探险家》怎么写主要内容是写你如果成为探险家了你会怎么做 如果用一个词语或一句话来形容你即将结识的朋友,会是怎么样 仿写:如果你是大河,何必在乎别人把你说成小溪;如果你是春色,;如果你是种子,;如果你就是你,. 如果老师给你布置作业有一个是每天写一页稿纸东西你写什么 ?