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深港版小学六年级英语上册 Unit 7 练习  

2012-07-11 15:40:50|  分类: 英语题型 |  标签: |字号大中小 订阅

1 I was           when the phone rang.
             A. read                  B. read a book                C. reading
2 We            the airport when she arrived.
           A. ar1 e waiting in          B. waited for                  C. were waiting at
            do you come back?
            A. when                  B. where                      C. what
4 Some children are           , others are dancing.
            A. singing              B. sing                    C. sang

           of people watched the World Cup on TV.
          A.3 million               B. Millions                   C.3 millions
6 What was the little boy doing                  midnight?
            A.at               B.on               C.in               D.of

                  in the fridge are big.
           A.Apples          B.The apple         C.An apple         D.The apples

8  I was buying food                   my mother                   the supermarket.
            A.at; with              B.and; at             C.with; at           D.at; and

9 ---                the children talk to the teacher yesterday?
           --- Yes, they               .
            A.Did; did          B.do; did            C.Do; does          D.Did; do

10  My grandma                  when I came in.
            A.cook            B.was cook            C.cooks            D.was cooking

11 Thanks for                   me.
           A.help           B.helping          C.to help         D.helps

12  I think he drives                  .
            A.careless        B.beautiful         C.carefully          D.care

 二 阅读理解.

               When Betty was fishing, she dropped her watch. It fell into the water. Betty was sad because it was her best watch.
   The next day, Betty went fishing again. She put her hook into the water. When she pulled it up, there was her watch! It was caught on her hook.
   Betty didn't catch any fish, but she was happy. She had her watch back.
 1. In the story, Betty went                .
              A.fishing           B.to school             C.to work            D.riding
 2. Betty dropped her watch               .
             A.into a fire       B.into the water      C.into a shop     D.at school
3. When Betty got her watch back,                .
             A.she didn't want it                  B.she gave it away
            C.the watch was new              D.she was happy
 4. Betty lost her                 when she went                .
            A.best watch; school               B.watch; school
           C.best watch; fishing               D.watch; fishing
5. What's the meaning of "hook"?               .
            A.鱼饵                B.鱼钩                      C.网兜                 D.钓鱼网

     Do you know what the White House is ? Perhaps some of you do, and some don’t. The White House is the house where the President (总统) of the USA lives, It’s in Washing D.C. It is painted white. But do you know why the White House is white?
   The story goes back to 1812. That year Britain was at war with America . The British soldiers captured (俘虏) Washington, and some buildings including (包括) the President’s house were set on fire. In 1814, in order to hide the marks of the fire, the brown stone walls of the President’s house were painted white and it has been the White House since then.

1.The White House is in                        .
           A.the President’s House
           B.the USA
2.In 1812                       .
          A.the war between England and America didn’t break out.
          B.Britain and America stopping fighting.
          C.the war between Britain and America was still on.
          D.the Present’s house was painted white.
3.After the fire and before it was painted white, the color of the President’s house was                  .
          A.white                       B.red                               C.yellow                             D.brown
4.Why did the President’s house have marks? Because                      .
           A.it was dirty
           B.the house was too old
           C.the British soldiers had set fire to the house
           D.the British soldiers had repaired it
5.Why did American people paint the President’s house white?
           A.Because they wanted to make it clean.
           B.Because they wanted to hide the marks left by the fire.
           C.Because the President liked white.
           D.Because they had no other colors to choose.