
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 01:49:46


2.I cannot agree with you on this point.在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见.3.You\'ve got the point.你抓住了问题的实质.4.That\'s the point.这正是问题的关键.5.Let\'s just run through the arguments for and against.我们来看一下赞成和反对的理由.6.Please sum up what you said just now.请把你刚才说的总结一下.7.Has anybody else anything to say on this?关于这点,谁还有什么别的要说吗?8.Is there any evidence to support what you have said?有什么证据可以支持你的说法吗?9.Well,it depends.这得视情况而定.10.I don\'t think it\'s necessary for us to discuss this question any further.我想我们没有必要进一步讨论这个问题.11.There are always two sides to everything.每件是都有两面性.另外表示部分赞成某人观点还可以用:1.Perhaps,but don’t you think that……..2.There’s something in that,I suppose.3.You have got a point there.4.possibly/ in a way 表示完全赞成某人观点:1.I couldn’t agree with more.2.I take your point.3.That’s true.4.That’s just/exactly what I was thinking.5.That’s just how I see it.表示强烈地反对意见:1.I’m not so sure really.2.Well,It depends.3.I ‘m not so certain.4.I’m afraid I don’t agree.5.You can’t really mean that.口语对话中如何提出自己的想法:(Putting Forward Your Own Opinions)1.You should take the advice of your teacher.你应该听老师的话?2.That\'s just what I was looking for.那正是我所期待的.3.It might be,I suppose.我想可能是这样.4.Good try,but not quite right.是个很好的尝试,但并不完全正确.5.That\'s rather disappointing.真是让人失望.6.It\'s only a suggestion,you don\'t have to take it.这只是一个建议,你可以不听.7..If you really want my advice I don\'t think you should.如果你真想听我的意见,我想你不应该.8.Thanks for your advice but I have to consider it myself.谢谢你的建议,但我得自己想想.9.I am old enough to make up my own mind.我已经长大了,可以自己拿主意了.10.What about your opinion?你怎么想?