找 固定搭配 比如help sb to do sth.写中文(2天之内)

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找 固定搭配 比如help sb to do sth.写中文(2天之内)
找 固定搭配 比如help sb to do sth.

找 固定搭配 比如help sb to do sth.写中文(2天之内)
help sb.with sth.
help yourself to
with the help of
with the help of /with one's help
Help Save Our Planet Society
[中考] 帮助拯救我们星球的协会
help sb.with sth.help sb.do sth.
[中考]在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做
help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat
help each other
with one's help
with the help of …
help oneself to...
ask sb.for advice / help
[中考]请某人指点 / 帮助
a call for help
cannot help doing
help sb.(to) do sth.
help oneself to sth.
help a lot in our studies
help sb.with sth./help sb.do sth.
help a lot
[中考] 很大用处
with the help of sb.
[中考] 在某人的帮助下
in instant need of help
[中考] 急需帮助
in need of help
[中考] 需要帮助
can not help
整理方法:先从动词入手,A-Z然后参见以上整理,接下来改变词性譬如help----helpful(adj.)----helpfully(adv.)----helpless(oppsite word)


help sb. with sth.
help yourself to
with the help of
with the help of /with one's help
Help Save Our Planet Society


help sb. with sth.
help yourself to
with the help of
with the help of /with one's help
Help Save Our Planet Society
[中考] 帮助拯救我们星球的协会
help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth.
[中考]在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做
help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat
help each other
with one's help
with the help of …
help oneself to...
ask sb. for advice / help
[中考]请某人指点 / 帮助
a call for help
cannot help doing
help sb.(to) do sth.
help oneself to sth.
help a lot in our studies
help sb. with sth./help sb. do sth.
help a lot
[中考] 很大用处
with the help of sb.
[中考] 在某人的帮助下
in instant need of help
[中考] 急需帮助
in need of help
[中考] 需要帮助
can not help


help sb. with sth.
help yourself to
with the help of
with the help of /with one's help
Help Save Our Planet Society


help sb. with sth.
help yourself to
with the help of
with the help of /with one's help
Help Save Our Planet Society
[中考] 帮助拯救我们星球的协会
help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth.
[中考]在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做
help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat
help each other
with one's help


找 固定搭配 比如help sb to do sth.写中文(2天之内) 初中英语有哪些语法固定搭配,例如:make sb do sth,help sb (to) do sth 初中英语固定搭配大全比如:aiiow sb.to du sth.啦之类的固定搭配能不能多给我几个? doing sth.或help sb.to do sth这类的固定搭配!. 小升初英语固定搭配,例如:help sb.to do sth.求多点 初一关于doing 和 to do 的固定搭配至今没弄懂有一些固定的doing和to do的短语搭配还有一些词是doing和to do都能进行搭配的具体有哪些初一的 更高年级的不需要还有关于do的比如 help sb do sth 就是 英语固定句式比如make sb.to do sth.have to do sth.it takes sb.to do sth就类似于这样的搭配,多一些,全一些, 初三英语动词固定搭配指导例如像这种 see sb doing/to do sth help sb do sth 这种动词固定搭配的词语 越多越好 马上就要中考了 请大家帮下忙吧 谢谢! 7下英语单词的固定用法比如help的用发就是help sb to do sth。初1下这类单词的固定用法(要全啊!) 类似于help sb. to do sth.的词我要的是在小学六年级(译林牛津版)里的固定搭配 如:help sb.(to) do sth. 举得越多. +分+得越多哦. 跪求初中初一到初三的所有人教版英语相关语法 短语 固定搭配如:help sb to do sth 帮助某人去做某事 help sb to do 是固定短语吗 take sb.doing sth.还是take sb.to do sth.是固定搭配么 show sb to do 这里的sb是不是宾格那是不是固定搭配!? 除了固定搭配,什么时候用for sb什么时候用to sb?尽量细点 找一些含有to do的短语或固定搭配 求英语固定搭配!比如:xx+sb.xx+xx+sth xx+do xx+doing```````````````` 呵呵! help me with 近义词would you please help me with my homework?A give me help in B give me a big hand答案是a,b为什么不行,还有 give me help in 是固定搭配吗? 我从来没见过,只见过help sb (to)do 和help sb with sth.谢谢