写一篇英语的文章40词左右写一篇两个城市的相关信息和它们的不同用文章的方式表现出来不是40词是60-80词 还要有翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 01:43:52

写一篇英语的文章40词左右写一篇两个城市的相关信息和它们的不同用文章的方式表现出来不是40词是60-80词 还要有翻译
不是40词是60-80词 还要有翻译

写一篇英语的文章40词左右写一篇两个城市的相关信息和它们的不同用文章的方式表现出来不是40词是60-80词 还要有翻译
Sydney and Melbourne are two major cities in Australian with different strength in some ways.Sydney has a greater population of about 4 million and rank on the top in Austrlia.Therefore,larger number of job vacancies are available in Sydney compared to Melbourne.However,less population in Melborune allows people living in a less crowded environment and people regard Melborune as a better place for living compare to Sydney.
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