
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/29 19:38:40


Folk finance,is compared with the formal financial,generally refers to is not registered in industrial and commercial department and the organization engaged in financing activities,referring to individuals,families,enterprises,by avoiding the official formal financial system and financial trading activity behavior directly.From the point of practical significance,the existence of the folk financial ease the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises,promote the innovation of financial institutions,fill in the formal financial funding of private enterprises,"three rural" economic gap;From the theoretical research at home and abroad about the folk financial research in their respective fields has made remarkable achievements,has its gleaming and deficiencies;So now the study of folk finance has its realistic and theoretical significance.This article first overview of the development of our country folk financial in combination with relevant data from our country folk financial development present situation,characteristics and the problems exposed in the developing present,after an analysis of the deep-seated problems,combined with foreign and wenzhou in recent years experience of the financial management of the people,is suitable for the situation of our country folk finance specification development countermeasures.

英语翻译民间金融,是与正规金融相比较而言的,一般是指未在工商部门登记注册而从事资金融通活动的组织,泛指个体、家庭、企业之间,通过绕开官方正式的金融体系而直接进行金融交易活动 英语翻译最后一个是金融企业会计, 英语翻译“亚洲金融风暴”. 以我国为例,说明金融创新与金融改革是如何推动金融发展进程的 金融理论与实务 英语翻译金融创新是金融发展的动力,也是我国金融改革深化的必然选择.深入探索金融创新发展的路径,了解中国金融创新的现状与优势,对进一步推动我国金融创新具有重要的理论意义和现实 英语翻译金融英语翻译,唉痛苦 金融英语翻译:hedge exposure是什么意思? 英语翻译金融中 separation principle 金融英语翻译:charges or encumbrances 金融英语翻译:backyard enterprises 应该不会是后院企业吧? 金融与金融学的翻译 英语翻译我国农村非正规金融发展现状及治理思考[摘要] 本文引入了农村非正规金融的定义及组织形式,我国农村非正规金融的生成起因,对其在发展过程中和目前形式所存在的问题进行深入 英语翻译高尔夫球奶酪你争我夺,民间资本private capital与金融资本financial capital纷纷介入,开始进行圈地战、圈人战,高尔夫产业孕育着的巨大商机也引来了无数地产、汽车、金融、旅游、球赛cl 英语翻译风险证券化(Risk Securitization)是国际保险与资本市场融合趋势下兴起的一项创新型金融产品,它采用金融工程技术将保险风险转移至资本市场,从而实现了风险承担主体的转移. 英语翻译PS(证券金融范畴) 英语翻译我们处于金融问题的中间? 英语翻译金融是货币流通和信用活动以及与之相联系的经济活动的总称.广义的金融泛指一切与信用货币的发行、保管、兑换、结算,融通有关的经济活动,甚至包括金银的买卖.狭义的金融专指