
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:56:46


1.The plan is currently ascending.Our flight attendants will start servicing you as soon as we reach the cruising attitude.
2.Can I take your order?We have Chinese breakfast menu with small buns,shiumai and fried dough,also western breakfast with scrambled eggs,sausage and turkey slice.
3.The flight has been delayed due to traffic control glitches at
Shanghai region.We do not yet have an estimated time when the flight will take off.We will notify you as soon as we have that information.
4.Because the plane needs to be cleaned during flight stop,please remember to take all your luggage with you when you get off the plane,including the luggage underneath the seat in front of you.We are expected to stop here for about 20 minutes.Please wait for the announcement to board the plane again.
5.We do not have all the passengers on board yet.Once we have
everyone on board,I'll let you know if there is any seat available.
6.We are checking with the captain on your flight transfer request.Please bear with us.While the flight is en route,we cannot confirm the transfer flight number.Once we land,our ground staff will assist with your request.

1.The aircraft was still climbing the state, the current crew is temporarily unable to provide you with services, and other aircraft in level flight the future we will immediately serve you.


1.The aircraft was still climbing the state, the current crew is temporarily unable to provide you with services, and other aircraft in level flight the future we will immediately serve you.
2.Would you like to eat it?We have Chinese-style breakfast, including small steamed buns, dumplings, noodles.Western-style breakfast, including scrambled eggs, sausage, ham.
3.Aircraft traffic control as the cause of the Shanghai region to take off, we do not know the exact time of departure, if there is news we will notify you immediately.
4.The flight stops in the process of cleaning and clearing space needed, please bring all your luggage off the plane, including the seat pocket in front of your luggage.We will stop for about 20 minutes here, please wait for notification on a plane radio.
5.Is not on the guest Qi, Qi after waiting for empty seats on I will inform you immediately.
6.Your turn for the better information we are communicating with the captain, please wait.The plane, we can not provide you the exact number connecting flight, so after landing in service will help you out.


太长了 直接在网上翻译么 又快又准

英语翻译1.飞机还在爬升状态,目前乘务员暂时无法为您提供服务,等飞机平飞以后我们将立刻为您服务2.请问您想用餐么?我们有中式的早餐,包括小包子,烧卖,面条.西式的早餐,包括炒鸡蛋,香肠 超重与失重的条件关于飞机上“零重力”的产生,下列说法正确的是A 飞机在匀速爬升时处于完全失重状态产生“零重力”B 飞机在经过爬升到达弧形轨道最高点前后的一段时间内的运动,可视 用英语翻译空中乘务员 为什么民航飞机需要30分钟的时间才爬升到平飞高度?我个人觉得飞机都能在比较短的时间内爬升到预定飞行高度.而我坐飞机的感觉是,飞机在离地后头几分钟是以较大的爬升速度在爬升,之后 做一个飞机乘务员需要什么要求 现代空战中,飞机爬升到一定的高度后,如何稳定在这个高度?是用H键么? 飞机在飞行爬升过程中,直线飞与转弯飞,谁升得快呀?为什么? 飞机上的女乘务员叫空姐,男乘务员叫什么? 飞机上的英文播音稿在哪找啊?就是飞机上,乘务员每次念的那段英文`请问是什么内容啊? 英语翻译额 汉译英1.“和谐号”动车2.乘务员3.前后滑动 飞机起飞前,乘务员为什么要给乘客发口香糖 应聘飞机乘务员,面试对英语要求怎么样? 英语中翻英飞机乘务员应对所有旅客的安全负责 飞机飞行轨迹的疑问,经常看到一些电影里飞机在遇到紧急情况下垂直爬升,这在现实中可能吗?飞机迎角真的能超过90度吗? 飞机起飞时,机场风雨交加,飞机起飞后,迅速做爬升运动. 在飞机起飞或降落时,乘务员常发给乘客一块口香糖,这样做是为了是不是为了保持鼓膜内外的气压平衡 在飞机起飞时,乘务员要求旅客咀嚼食物其目的是使_____打开可以使鼓膜内外的_______.防止鼓膜胀疼. 在高铁里面做乘务员好吗