求英文朗诵稿要求:时间:4分钟左右内容:没有限制一定要有气势,短小精悍.我参加朗诵比赛要用的.(I Have a Dream我觉得不太适合)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/29 21:45:28

求英文朗诵稿要求:时间:4分钟左右内容:没有限制一定要有气势,短小精悍.我参加朗诵比赛要用的.(I Have a Dream我觉得不太适合)
(I Have a Dream我觉得不太适合)

求英文朗诵稿要求:时间:4分钟左右内容:没有限制一定要有气势,短小精悍.我参加朗诵比赛要用的.(I Have a Dream我觉得不太适合)

Too Many Days At A Time做好今天
Good morning! Everybody!
My name is xxxxx. I appreciate very much this opportunity to meet with you boys and girls. The topic I am going to present to you is “Too...


Too Many Days At A Time做好今天
Good morning! Everybody!
My name is xxxxx. I appreciate very much this opportunity to meet with you boys and girls. The topic I am going to present to you is “Too many days at a time.”
There are two days in every week about which we should not worry.Two days which should be kept free from fear and worries.
One of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone!!
Now I want to ask you,” did you ever feel bad when you didn’t do well in a test?”
Well, I felt bad when I got poor grades. I wanted to cry. I feel the sky is falling down. I feel everybody is looking down on me. The more I think about the test, the worse I feel. Boys and girls, please tell me, “Is that good?””Does that help?” You are right! That does’t help at all. Yesterday is gone! And let’s shake it off and step up.
The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its possible misfortunes, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow''s sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds. But it will rise. Until it does we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.
So boys and girls, my message to you is short and simple: Just do it well today! Today! Today! Today!
Thank you , everybody and wish you all the best!


求英文朗诵稿要求:时间:4分钟左右内容:没有限制一定要有气势,短小精悍.我参加朗诵比赛要用的.(I Have a Dream我觉得不太适合) 高中版英文诗歌朗诵稿要求:1.时间3分钟左右.2.内容积极向上.3.可以朗诵出感情的.(最好是慷慨激昂的)不要太多了~可以不?附汉语翻译..最好是名人的.../ 急求大学英语朗诵比赛的材料内容不限,时间在3``5分钟左右. 求5分钟左右朗诵时间的英文诗歌最好有名点的 求大型朗诵稿.需5分钟左右.要求内容积极向上,与希望或者过年或者歌颂党什么的有关.需5分钟左右.要求内容积极向上,与希望或者过年或者歌颂党什么的有关. 求一篇关于中西方文化差异的英文演讲,400词要求如下:词汇水平在4 6级间,分段,最好挑一方面论述.朗诵时间在5分钟. 关于 爱与希望 适合朗诵的英文诗歌 三分钟左右 希望内容有感染力 英文诗朗诵急寻英文诗歌,适用于水平不是很高的英语诗朗诵,4个人朗诵,不要太短,2分钟左右,内容健康向上即可.(初三水平) 求东西英语朗诵稿5分钟左右的, 英文诗朗诵诗的要求:别太简单,有中文对照,富有积极向上的精神,或一种信念,或一种豪情,朗诵起来有抑扬顿挫、振奋人心的效果.朗诵时间在3-4分钟左右. 注:好的可追加分数!谢绝爱情诗~ 急求一个散文或诗歌的朗诵稿,不要太长4到5分钟左右.是在学校 五四 的时候朗诵 内容不一定都是关于五四的 求推荐4分钟以内的朗诵稿 要求内容积极向上 经典古诗文名篇 现当代优秀作品均可提供名字就可以了! 推荐一首用于表演的英文诗歌用于表演 男女两人朗诵 要求对白要么煽情恶心 要么搞笑 带有严重表演性词汇尽量简单易懂的 朗诵时间为两分钟左右 求英文speechwhen i am needed.时间要求是三分钟左右, 求高手帮忙写一段诗歌朗诵比赛的开场白,诗歌朗诵的内容是唐诗宋词,小弟感激不尽.Sorry 有两个主持人 说的时间应该要2分钟左右 求小小的梦想为题目的诗朗诵创作,要求在5分钟左右,越快越好 急需一篇命题为全球化的英文演讲稿.时间一分钟左右,内容要有内涵. 突然要比赛英文朗诵,我要找一份英文朗诵稿.生词不要太多,时间大约4分钟的样子.