英语翻译Blum (1999) offers a two-period approach showing that the value of equity in later periods is altered when risk-based capital requirements bind.Banks can choose to hold either riskless or risky asset portfolios.Higher expected profits in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:34:22

英语翻译Blum (1999) offers a two-period approach showing that the value of equity in later periods is altered when risk-based capital requirements bind.Banks can choose to hold either riskless or risky asset portfolios.Higher expected profits in
Blum (1999) offers a two-period approach showing that the value of equity in later periods is altered when risk-based capital requirements bind.Banks can choose to hold either riskless or risky asset portfolios.Higher expected profits in the second period induce an unregulated bank to reduce risk in the first period to decrease the probability of failure and thereby improve the likelihood of receiving second-period profits.On the one hand,
a tighter risk-based capital requirement imposed in the second period reduces that period’s profits in the case of success and hence induces more risk-taking in the first period.On the other hand,a tighter risk-based capital requirement imposed during either the first or second period induces a decline in the feasible allocation of funds to risky assets,thereby reducing risk.When capital requirements bind in the first period only,the latter effect dominates,and risk falls.When capital regulation constrains the bank only in the second period,however,risk increases.Blum finds that if capital requirements bind in both periods,the effect on risk is ambiguous.

英语翻译Blum (1999) offers a two-period approach showing that the value of equity in later periods is altered when risk-based capital requirements bind.Banks can choose to hold either riskless or risky asset portfolios.Higher expected profits in

blum是什么意思 英语翻译Blum (1999) offers a two-period approach showing that the value of equity in later periods is altered when risk-based capital requirements bind.Banks can choose to hold either riskless or risky asset portfolios.Higher expected profits in blum铰链怎么样 什么是Blum整数 Robert Wm. Blum中文是什么 maurice blum是什么牌子的手表啊 英语翻译Please contact here directly Mr.Blum for further details as it is very urgent and kindly put me in copy to be up-to-date on the discussion. 英语翻译american express offers the Delta SkyMiles Options credit card,which gives cardholders a mile for every two dollars spent.however,people who charge a lot will probably want to pony up the $85 annual fee for a regular Delta card,which offe MAURICE BLUM品牌和海鸥有什么关系 英语翻译1.wah...wah...dalem x bahasanya...good2.ni pctw?3.y maksud nya simple ja,w g bs merubah dunia/ hal besar..klo blum bisa menangani hal kecil sperti pikiran manusia..wkwkwk4.Kalau itu gw jg tau,yg gw pgn tau pikiran siapa?5.Susahhh..Mesti 英语翻译syng..ank2 uda makan blum...dan aping uda sembuh blumada kasi makan obat tdkya...uda ..jaga ank2 ok..dan suruh jgn main jauh2.nanti sakit lagi...ada fotonya tdk bos..kusus buat anak2 kecil kanok...bos.perkiraan harga...aalpagi[Enter]ok..b 【倾家荡产】谁来帮我翻译一下offer I am pleased to notify you that Dextrys (Party A) intends to offe 银镜门和BLUM玻璃门铰链用什么方式和胶粘在一起会更牢固 BLUM阻尼抽屉滑轨长度能切割吗,我的抽屉右边在滑轨位置有管子,要切短一点,能行吗 从哪里才可以听到Mal Blum的New Year's Eve怎么才能下载下这首歌呢?好像要缴费的感觉~ 求2个英文、1个德文单词的发音我想求助几个单词的发音,前面是出处,后面括号里的单词的发音最好用音标,或者拼音的形式帮我标注出来.奥地利Blum的五金件.(Blum)全球第一大厂德国Schatt Dé 请帮我详细地分析一下句子成分,it is no use……句型,谢谢~It is no use offering the manual laborer, tired out with a hard week's sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon.其中,offe 名言英译中,求教What’s in a name?that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.- William Shakespeare“Take some more tea,” the March Hare said to Alice,very earnestly.“I’ve had nothing yet,”Alice replied in an offe