
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 00:12:03


1、If the co-operation could not be continued,please let us know why.
2、If it is our party's problem,we can solve it by negotiation.
3、Our party will retain the right to claim for the loss causing by your party's unilateral stopping of the co-operation.

please give us your reson for refusing the further cooperation with us. we can work it out through negociation if we were blame to that.
we will keep the rights for the claim in terms of the lose,which caused by the break of the cooperation.

If our coperation cannot be continued,please tell us the reason.We can resolve the dispute through nogotionation if raised by our part. Moreover,our part will retain the right to claim for the loss due to the breaking of our coperation.

If cannot continue to cooperate please do tell us the reason and the reason.If is our reason may through the negotiations way solution.We retain stop cooperating regarding this take to our loss backward power.

汉译英一句话!要求人脑!如不能继续合作请告诉我们原因和理由.如是我方原因可通过谈判方式解决.我方保留对此中止合作所带给我们的损失的追溯权. 英文翻译一句话.你要求不能太高 请问人体电阻率大约是多少?如各个部分差别过大请给我人脑的数据 请继续化简 如图 给一块钢板加温,要求能达到150-300度,烧煤以外的方法不能有排烟,污染,功率 成本请详细说明 继续 人脑的大小人脑有多大?请举例说明.比如:人脑和一个苹果一样大. 汉译英 一句话 我不能改变什么,只能试着去接受.如题 人脑为什么会思考如题 请用一句话概括出学校要求的作用 请帮我用英语翻译一句话:“谢谢你们,希望我们合作愉快!祝生意兴隆!” 中译英,一句话,人脑一个人管我要某网站地址,我对他说,让我找一找”,请把这个让我找一找”口语化就好,不用太书面化. 中译英,请人脑意译,书是人类智慧的结晶. 谈到人脑,茅以升认为_____________________.请补充完整, 一句话不能理解 英文翻译一句话.提出要求 国旗寄语一句话要求 用 四个 ( )似( ) 写一句话如: 麋鹿的角似鹿,面似马,蹄似牛,尾似驴 这样的一句话(但这个不能写) [SOS]符合 普查阶段转入详查阶段的要求是什么如题 普查阶段的量少 品位低 能达到工业品位 不能达到矿床平均品位 继续详查 业主投入过多 资源量不能提高 很可能亏本 这方面有没有具体要