work open close have rest cross drink 的第三人称单数怎么写

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 04:33:46

work open close have rest cross drink 的第三人称单数怎么写
work open close have rest cross drink 的第三人称单数怎么写

work open close have rest cross drink 的第三人称单数怎么写
works, opens, closes, has, rests, crosses, drinks

works, opens, closes, has, rests, crosses, drinks

works opens closes has rests crosses drinks


works opens closes has rests crosses drinks

work open close have rest cross drink 的第三人称单数怎么写 opened,open,close, open close my flower open后怎么close have write read close open live sing sit study call 的现在分词 第三人称单数 过去式 when you open the fucking door,you have to close the fucking door什么含义 never close ur lips to those whom u have already open ur heart,是什么意 为什么open变为延续性动词时要变成have been open 而不变成have been opened?而close要变成have been closed,open和close为什么不一样? - Discuss on all those open items that we never close.- To understand your new work assignment sta open的反义词是close closed/open/close的用法 How funny it is to have a close match after a day’s work. 请给下列的动词进行分类,分成行为动词,情态动词,系动词,助动词.play,can,sound,do,study,will,put,must,shall,be,listen,taste,may,have,sleep,need,sent,grow,open,dare,smell,work,turn,finish,ought to,become,join,could,close,look,bor 分类 行为动词、情态动词、系动词、助动词有很多单词play ,can ,sound ,do ,study ,will,seem ,must ,shall,be ,listen ,taste ,may ,have ,sleep ,need,sent,grow ,open ,dare ,smell ,work ,turn ,finish,ought to,become,join,could,close,l write read close open live sing dance play look leam listen swim ride put work ring sweep sleep jump run walk的 正在进行时,过去式,第第三人称单数 feel,close,open的过去式,过去分词 look,the shop is_____(open/close) Don't go and ___the doors and windows.They are___.A.close;open;open;close D.close;close