考研作文 推荐电影 请帮我看看写的有什么错误,Dear JohnI am writing to you is want to recommend a movie where shows an Chinese assassin in Qin dying.The movie’s name is hero,you may be confuse.why an assassin is a hero,the reason o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 22:01:00

考研作文 推荐电影 请帮我看看写的有什么错误,Dear JohnI am writing to you is want to recommend a movie where shows an Chinese assassin in Qin dying.The movie’s name is hero,you may be confuse.why an assassin is a hero,the reason o
考研作文 推荐电影 请帮我看看写的有什么错误,
Dear John
I am writing to you is want to recommend a movie where shows an Chinese assassin in Qin dying.The movie’s name is hero,you may be confuse.why an assassin is a hero,the reason of this phenomenon is that assassins have power,but they do not use it unlimited,because they know,with great power comes great responsibility.
In this movie,you would know a truth that a greet knight,for the country and for the people,it is the essence of the Chinese Xia culture.The chief actor of this movie is acted by Li Jet ,a famous actor in China,because he has kung fu ,so the movie’s content is splendid.I strongly recommend you to watch this movie.
Wish you enjoy the movie,look forward to your reply.
Your sincerely
Li Ming

考研作文 推荐电影 请帮我看看写的有什么错误,Dear JohnI am writing to you is want to recommend a movie where shows an Chinese assassin in Qin dying.The movie’s name is hero,you may be confuse.why an assassin is a hero,the reason o
第一句:I am writing to you to recommend a movie for you which shows an Chinese assassin in Qin Dynasty.
The name of the movie is hero,you may be confuse about why an assassin is a hero.
but they do not use it unlimited 这里unlimited应改为unlimitedly~副词修饰动词.
because they know,with great power comes great responsibility.
可以改为:the more power they use,the more resposibility they shuold pay.
The chief actor of this movie is acted by Li Jet ,这句actor应改为role.
In this movie,you would know a truth that a greet knight,for the country and for the people,it is the essence of the Chinese Xia culture.这句中it is the essence中is应去掉,不然一个句子有2个主语了.
he has kung fu ,这个我感觉不应该用has,但我也不知道用什么好

正文第二行you may be confuse 。 confuse是动词 be后不应该跟形容词confused吗??求解……

第一句你应该是一个主语从句,但你缺少了主语的引导词,主语引导词是不能省的.。前面加that 构成主语从句。
where是引导状语从句, where shows an Chinese assassin in Qin dying,你这句话主谓宾不全啊,也不清楚你这句是什么意思。可能是我没理解你的意思,所以觉得有误。看了你的后面,如果你这句话表达的是:该电影是关于一个秦朝刺客的故事,我觉得这样改...


第一句你应该是一个主语从句,但你缺少了主语的引导词,主语引导词是不能省的.。前面加that 构成主语从句。
where是引导状语从句, where shows an Chinese assassin in Qin dying,你这句话主谓宾不全啊,也不清楚你这句是什么意思。可能是我没理解你的意思,所以觉得有误。看了你的后面,如果你这句话表达的是:该电影是关于一个秦朝刺客的故事,我觉得这样改比较好:That I am writing to you is want to recommend a movie regarding an Chinese assassin in Qin dying.The movie was named hero.英语比较喜欢采用被动写法。而且电影也是被命名。maybe you are confusing考研英语句式要富于变化,一般时太多会感觉枯燥。你提出为什么,接着说原因,可以用这样的句式来增加亮点和单词量:there are some reasones of following were showed:firstly.....secondly......thirdly.......这样会比较有层次感
wish 是对未来的虚拟,你用的是一般时祈使句吗?好像不是这样用吧?两个祈使句之间加个and比较好,一个句子除非有链接词,否则不会出现两个动词。


考研作文 推荐电影 请帮我看看写的有什么错误,Dear JohnI am writing to you is want to recommend a movie where shows an Chinese assassin in Qin dying.The movie’s name is hero,you may be confuse.why an assassin is a hero,the reason o 请帮我推荐一部好看的英文电影 能不能帮我看看自己写的英语小作文有什么错误之处, 帮我看看我的作文有什么错误, 帮我看看作文有什么很好的题目 请大家帮我看看这篇文章有什么语法错误和结构的不合理,打下分数,按考研的标准,2001年考研大作文 爱心是一盏灯Compared with bright place,love seems warmer and more significant in the darkness as a shining light 请雅思大神帮我看看我写的这篇英语作文我感觉自己存在很多问题,请大神帮我看看,我的语法有没有问题,自己写的从句有没有问题,词汇用法有错误么.该删去些什么该添加什么.还有我的段落 写作文,请看看啊.帮我写一篇关于成功的文章,不超过200字. 帮我看看我写的这个句子有没有问题!(我在写作文) 初三英语作文,请帮我看看有没有毛病? 请大家帮我看看英语作文有没有错误 医生写的病历,请大家帮我看看写什么? 考研英语小作文文体写错了给分吗?我在沈阳考的,让写推荐给朋友一个电影,我写成邀请朋友去看电影了, 请帮我看看作文怎么写作文题目是:《给,永远比拿愉快》,这题目有点什么. 想练习口语,请帮我推荐一部口语清晰的美国电影或者电视剧 请帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错误的地方 请大家帮我看看,这写的是什么? 请大家帮我推荐一些纯英文的影片,我想提高英语我初一了英语还不错,是班里的课代表,想提高口语,大家推荐一下,最好有观看的地址不要什么好看的电影,主要是电影的英文纯因为我初三有个