帮我写一个2到3分钟的小Topic 的评论题目是“Do you think people in your country have enough time to relax and pursue their hobbies? Why or why not?”只需做两到三分钟的评论,万分感谢!(用英文写,不需要很难)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:36:02

帮我写一个2到3分钟的小Topic 的评论题目是“Do you think people in your country have enough time to relax and pursue their hobbies? Why or why not?”只需做两到三分钟的评论,万分感谢!(用英文写,不需要很难)
帮我写一个2到3分钟的小Topic 的评论
题目是“Do you think people in your country have enough time to relax and pursue their hobbies? Why or why not?”只需做两到三分钟的评论,万分感谢!(用英文写,不需要很难)

帮我写一个2到3分钟的小Topic 的评论题目是“Do you think people in your country have enough time to relax and pursue their hobbies? Why or why not?”只需做两到三分钟的评论,万分感谢!(用英文写,不需要很难)
Most people usually want to make big money which is human nature.Actually Taiwanese don’t have too much time for relaxing themselves,and I’m one of them.In other hand,most Taiwanese give up to pursue their hobbies.
Taiwan is a busy country.People usually walk fast and try to squeeze out their time to done with more jobs that seems time never enough.The only relax of those people are sleep and taking shower; the maximum of all they could do which are watching TV and reading couple pages of a book.Most Taiwanese want to make more money while they still young.They want to save money to buy everything they need in future life,so most people have education for making money,and saving money for the sunset of life.This is most human’s pathetically life about pursuing their rest life,and I’m the one who can’t get away with it.
I think have pets is most popular activity for leisure time in Taiwan,but where is the money for having pets come from?People want to enjoy their hobbies that should spend money and time on it.In other word they should able to earn easy money,thus most Taiwanese don’t want to earn more money then spend time on their hobbies.
Actually I don’t have enough time to have leisure activity,because I am a transfer student,so I have to make-up lot of credits that I didn’t have.In other word I have to spend all my time to take courses on freshman and deal with my paper and home work.The only way I relaxed myself that was listening music,especially when I work with my school work and before sleep.
People should keep time for relaxing themselves because it can keep pressure away and it is healthy to them.


帮我写一个2到3分钟的小Topic 的评论题目是“Do you think people in your country have enough time to relax and pursue their hobbies? Why or why not?”只需做两到三分钟的评论,万分感谢!(用英文写,不需要很难) 帮我写5篇英文对话,两个人的,有TOPIC,每篇长2分钟.请英语高手写几篇词汇比较高级的英语小短篇,写得好的给分50分,因为怕没人写浪费我分数啦,有5个单元,每个写一篇,2个人念每篇大概2分钟时 我要进行一个2分钟的Speech,请问有什么好一点的topic呢奥运会的那个帖子我看过了对我来说有点难, 汶川地震英语新闻我们明天要做一个10分钟的TOPIC哪位朋友有空能帮我弄到20号最新的新闻和数据比如 截止到现在 发生过多少次余震 死亡 伤亡人数 救援行动 及捐款等 帮我写一个介绍北京的小作文.Topic:————————————————————————————————————1.Supporting Detail 1:__________________________________2.Supporting Detall 2:________________ 帮我写一篇topic你认为怎样才算成功必用的关键词:used to do sth 、in one's twenties(或者thirties等)、so that、of one's own 一分钟左右 请帮我找一篇英语小故事,我要演讲的,3到5分钟,最好是动物小故事,不用太长,要带译文, 有谁会写sentence topic的!英文的!论文题目是:电影字幕常见错误分析,帮我写一个英文的sentence topic!大爷的,这是啥玩意啊,我都没上课啊,说错了,是写一个sentence outline啊!知道达人都去哪了? 英语口语课要求做一个3分钟的presentation.关于“How to do ...” 麻烦真的帮我想一个Topic!例如How to peel an apple.How to jump rope.要求要当场做的,边做边讲. 看这张图,写一个1到3分钟的英文讨论 请帮我写一篇3分钟的演讲稿.是讲一个成语的寓意和平时应用. 请大家帮我针对雷锋的精神写一个5分钟的演讲稿 帮我写1分钟自我介绍吧谁能帮我写一份简单扼要的1分钟的自我介绍 describe a person who has made a difference in your life谁懂得写英语TOPIC的,麻烦帮我写一篇,120字左右 求 我的座右铭 的英语演讲稿TOPIC :MY MOTTO三分钟左右 作文《我拥有一个小秘密》的开头结尾怎么写?最好要排比的 倒计时2分钟! 5分钟英语小故事求一个3到5分钟的英语小故事急用!要有趣一点,最好能体现文化差异最最最最重要的是一定要够3到5分钟我搜了很久发现都是不够长的但是我要的是一个够3到5分钟的故事,不 帮我找关于书香校园的诗歌好不3到4分钟的时间朗诵,